Plenary sessions

Plenary Lectures

Chair: Prof. Avi Pe'er
Time: 09:30 -10:30

Jun Ye
JILA, National Institute of Standards and Technology
University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado 80309-0440, USA
Quantum matter, clocks, and fundamental physics

Closing talk

Simon Singh
From the Big Bang to Homer’s Last Theorem

Review sessions

R1: Review 1 - Particle, Nuclear, Astrophysics

Dr. Yotam Soreq
The David Lopatie Conference Centre
11:00 - 12:30
Heino Falcke
Radboud University Nijmegen
Heino Falcke - The first picture of a black hole
Christophe Grojean
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg, Germany
Christophe Grojean - Higgs and new physics: now and in the future
Wick Haxton
Berkeley University of California
Wick Haxton - Neutrino Properties and their Impact on the Cosmos

R2: Review 2 - AMO and condensed matter physics

Prof. Ady Stern
Michael Sela Auditorium
11:00 - 12:30
Monika Schleier-Smith
Stanford University
Monika Schleier-Smith - Engineering Quantum Spin Models with Atoms and Light
Joerg Schmalian
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Joerg Schmalian - Lévy flights and hydrodynamic superdiffusion on the Dirac cone of Graphene
Dmitri Efetov
ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences
Dmitri Efetov - Magic Angle Bilayer Graphene - Superconductors, Orbital Magnets, Correlated States and beyond

R3: Review 3 - Soft matter and quantum physics

Dr. Anna Frishman
Dolfi and Lola Ebner Auditorium
11:00 - 12:30
Zvonimir Dogic
University of California Santa Barbara
Zvonimir Dogic - Topological structure and dynamics of 3D active nematics
Yariv Kafri
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Yariv Kafri - Forces in active matter
Roee Ozeri
Weizmann Institute of Science
Roee Ozeri - From Quantum Computers to New Physics Searches using Trapped Atomic Ions

Parallel sessions

A1: Applied Physics

Prof. Avi Zadok
Andreas Room - Lopatie
14:00 - 15:30
Alberto Bilenca
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel.
Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Biomicroscopy
Amir Rosenthal
Towards all-optical optoacoustic tomography
Nirel Bernstein, Bharat Grover, Binoi Hazra, Stuart Parkin, Amir Capua
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Large spin Hall effect in sputtered thin film of non-collinear Mn3Sn anti-ferromagnet
Gal Winer, Ran Finkelstein, Or Arenfried, David Zeev Koplovich, Moran Netser, Gabriel Gundelman, Barak Dayan, Ofer Firstenberg
Weizmann Institute of Science
Light-matter interactions via extremely-tapered fibers: towards room-temperature quantum nonlinear optics

A2: Astrophysics (observational)

Prof. Ari Laor
Kimmel Hall - Lopatie
14:00 - 15:30
Iair Arcavi
Tel Aviv University
New Discoveries of Extreme Transients
Shahar Bracha
Tel Aviv University
Two Extreme Explosions of H-rich Stars
Lev Tal-Or, Trifon Trifonov, Mathias Zechmeister, Adrian Kaminski, Shay Zucker, Tsevi Mazeh
Physics Department, Ariel University, Israel
Enhancing radial velocity precision by self calibrating survey data
Guy Nir, Eran Ofek, Sagi Ben-Ami, David Polishook, Ilan Manulis, Noam Segev, Barak Zackay, Oz Diner, Ofir Hershko, Haim Sade
Weizmann Institute
The Weizmann Fast Astronomical Survey Telescope (W-FAST)
Ana Acebron, Adi Zitrin
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Strong lensing models of RELICS galaxy clusters

A3: Atoms and molecules

Dr. Ephraim Shahmoon
Schmidt Auditorium
14:00 - 15:30
Michael Karpov, Yair Segev, Martin Pitzer, Nitzan Akerman, Julia Narevicius, Edvardas Narevicius
Weizmann Institute of Science
Collisions between cold molecules in a superconducting magnetic trap
Yaakov Yudkin, Roy Elbaz, Lev Khaykovich
Department of Physics and QUEST Center, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan 5290002, Israel
Coherent superposition of diatomic and triatomic molecules
Yotam Shapira, Yehonatan Dallal, Roee Ozeri, Ady Stern
Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Science
Measuring Magnetic Fields with Magnetic-Field-Insensitive Transitions
Hagai Edri, Boaz Raz, Noam Matzliah, Nir Davidson, Roee Ozeri
Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israel
Observation of Spin-Spin Fermion-Mediated Interactions between Ultracold Bosons
Constantine Shkedrov, Gal Ness, Yanay Florshaim, Yoav Sagi
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Creating a homogeneous Fermi gas by dynamical decoupling the residual gravitational potential
Dimitri Pimenov, Moshe Goldstein
Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich
Fermi-edge polarons and exciton-polaritons in ultracold gases and semiconductors

A4: Energy materials: structure, function and applications

Dr. Omer Yaffe
Zacks Hall - Stone Building
14:00 - 15:30
Sivan Refaely-Abramson
Department of Materials and Interfaces, Weizmann Institute of Science
Structural effects on exciton interactions in functional materials from first principles
Doron Azulay, Helena Stange, Daniel Abou-Ras, Roland Mainz, Isaac Balberg, Oded Millo
Racah Institute of Physics, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
The influence of planar defects and the incorporation of Na on the photo-transport properties of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin films
Ayala Cohen, David A. Egger, Andrew M. Rappe, Leeor Kronik
Department of Materials and Interfaces, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovoth 76100, Israel.
Breakdown of the static picture of defect energetics in halide perovskites: the case of the Br vacancy in CsPbBr3
Amram Azulay, Marwan Wahabi, Yuriy Natanzon, Yaron Amouyal
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel
Investigation of the electronic transport mechanism of La- and Y-doped Ca2MnO4
Nimrod Benshalom, Olle Hellman, Omer Yaffe
Weizmann Institute of Science, Reohovot, Israel
Anomalous Raman Scattering in Lead salts

A5: High Energy (Experiment)

Dr. Liron Barak
Weissman Auditorium
14:00 - 15:30
14:00-14:11 (invite)
Lior Arazi, Ander Simón Estévez, Yair Ifergan, Adam Redwine
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Breakthrough improvement in track reconstruction in the NEXT experiment searching for neutrinoless double beta decay in xenon-136
Evgeny Shulga
Weizmann Institute of Science
Positive ion suppression with untriggered Bi-polar grid in the magnetic field
Sanmay Ganguly, Eilam Gross, Jonathan Shlomi
Weizmann Institute Of Science
Deep learning methods to improve Particle Flow reconstruction
Andrea Tesi, A. Breskin, E. Erdal, D. Vartsky, S. Bressler
Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 7610001, Israel
New frontiers in particle detection with liquid argon
Sourav Dey, Abner Soffer
Tel Aviv University
Beam-constrained vertexing for B physics at the Belle II Experiment S. Dey∗ and A. Soffer†
Davide Melini, Enrique, Kajomovitz
Mass decorrelated taggers with adversarial neural networks
Uriel Barron
Tel Aviv University
MVA Methods for Tau Triggering in the Phase-I Upgrade of the ATLAS L1Calo
Gilad Mizrachi, Erez Etzion, Meny Raviv-Moshe, Yiftah Silver
Tel Aviv University
Development of a Low Cost 3D Tracker for the search of Long Lived Particles and Imaging tool for Archeological Applications

A6: High Energy (Phenomenology)

Dr. Yevgeny Kats
Weissman Aquarium
14:00 - 15:30
Abhishek Banerjee, Hyungjin Kim, Oleksii Matsedonskyi, Gilad Perez, and Marianna S. Safronova
Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics, Weizmann Institute of Science
Relaxed Relaxion
Inbar Savoray, Marco Gorghetto, Gilad Perez, Yotam Soreq
Weizmann Institute of Science
Probing CP-violation in photon-photon interactions with cavities
Eric David Kramer
Hebrew University
Exceptionally Heavy Thermal Dark Matter from Inverse Semi-Annihilations
James Eiger, Michael Geller
Tel Aviv University
Detecting Dark Photons from Atomic Rearrangement in the Universe
Aviv Shalit
Weizmann Institute
Dynamical solutions to the Strong CP problem without the Peccei-Quinn symmetry
Nitsan Bar
Weizmann Institute of Science
Is there a supernova bound on axions
Yaniv Weiss, Gauthier Durieux, Teppei Kitahara, Yael Shadmi
Technion---Israel Institute of Technology, Technion city, Haifa 3200003, Israel
The electroweak effective field theory the on-shell way
Itay Bloch, Csaba Csaki, Michael Geller, Tomer Volansky
School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel-Aviv University.
Crunching Away the Cosmological Constant Problem: Dynamical Selection of a Small Lambda

A7: High Energy (Theory) A

Dr. Shlomo Razamat
Drory Auditorium
14:00 - 15:30
Jaewon Song
Large N gauge theory with a dense spectrum
Stefano Gregorio Giaccari, Michael Kroyter
Holon Institute of Technology (HIT)
Pseudo-Democratic Superstring Field Theory
Nadav Brukner
Weizmann Institute
Supersymmetric Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Models: Extracting Order from the Chaos I
Amir Raz
Weizmann Institute
Supersymmetric Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Models: Extracting Order from the Chaos II

A8: High Energy - Nuclear Physics A

Prof. Doron Gazit
Room A (Physics)
14:00 - 15:30
14:00-14:30 (invited)
Igor Korover
Physics department, NRCN
New Results of SRC electron scattering measurement
Paz Or, Dan Cohen, Gilad Erlichman, Eli Piasetzky, Iris Sabo-Napadensky, Hadar Steinberg, Sharon May-Tal Beck, Guy Ron
Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel 91904
The Slow Positron Beam in Israel (SPOT-IL) and Graphene-Based Positron Charge Sensors
Noam Gavrielov, A. Leviatan, J.E. García-Ramos, P. Van-Isacker
Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem 91904, Israel
Resolving the "Cadmium conundrum"
Ayala Glick-Magid, Doron Gazit
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Reaching per-mill level accuracy in predicting theoretically beta decay rates for beyond the standard model searches
Wejdan Beida
Nir Barnea
Short Range Correlation in Two Dimensional System of Excitons

A9: Quantum Information and Technology A

Prof. Itai Arad
ITP (Physics)
14:00 - 15:30
Shachar Fraenkel, Moshe Goldstein
Raymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel-Aviv University
Symmetry resolved entanglement: Exact results for the Kitaev chain and beyond
Kyrylo Snizhko, Valentin Gebhart, Thomas Wellens, Andreas Buchleitner, Alessandro Romito, Yuval Gefen
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Topological transition in weak-measurement-induced geometric phases
Raam Uzdin
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Thermodynamic quantum circuit diagnostics using second laws for accelerations
Amit Te'eni, Bar Y. Peled, Eliahu Cohen, Avishy Carmi
Faculty of Engineering and the Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan 5290002, Israel
A New Scheme for Entanglement Detection and Quantification
Omri Golan, Ryan Thorngren, Zohar Ringel
Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science
Incurable Monte Carlo sign problem in chiral topological matter
Alexander Pechen
Steklov Mathematical Institute
Uncomputability and complexity of quantum control

A10: Science Education A

Dr. Eran Grinvald
De- Shalit (Physics)
14:00 - 15:30
Eli Shalev
Schwartz/Reisman Science Education Centers, Rehovot, Rishon Lezion
A New Meaningful Professional Career Track for Physics Graduates
Boaz Katz
Weizmann Institute of Science
How can we incorporate numerical modelling in high-school math and physics teaching?
Efraim Yehuda Weissman, Avraham Merzel, Nadav Katz, Igal Galili
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Teaching Quantum Physics – grades of abstractness
Roni Zohar, Bat-Sheva Eylon, Dor Abrahamson
Department of Neuroscience, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Embodied Pedagogy for Physics Concepts
Benjamin Klingman
Schwartz/Reisman Science Education Centers
3D Printing: A Manufacturing Revolution in Physics Education?

A11: Soft Matter and Biological Physics

Prof. Avraham Be'er
Wolfson House
14:00 - 15:30
14:00-14:30 (invited)
Eli Barkai, Mario, Hidalgo-Soria
The Hitchiker model for Laplace diffusion in the cell/glassy environment
Yoav G. Pollack, Philip Bittihn, Ramin Golestanian
Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (MPIDS), Göttingen, 37077, Germany
Fast vs. gradual death in growth-dominated cellular active matter
Eial Teomy, Ralf Metzler
Tel Aviv University
Mobility increased by crowdiness: combined effect of density and memory
Michael Levy, Reuven Falkovich, Shirley S. Daube, Roy H. Bar-Ziv
Department of Chemical and Biological Physics
Cell-free autonomous synthesis and assembly of a ribosomal subunit on a chip
Avraham Moriel, Shira Landau, Ariel Livne, Ming H. Zheng, Eran Bouchbinder, Shulamit Levenberg
Department of Chemical and Biological Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Cellular mechanosensitivity and the emergence of orientational order in self-organizing tissues
Ohad Vilk, Michael Assaf
Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904, Israel
Extinction risk of a Metapopulation under bistable local dynamics

A12: Statistical Mechanics

Dr. Guy Bunin
Room A (Feinberg)
14:00 - 15:30
14:00-14:30 Invited
Daniel Hexner
Mechanical Engineering, Technion
Teaching an old foam new tricks: material design, memories and learning in aging solids
Gili Bisker
Biomedical Engineering Department, Tel Aviv University, Israel
How can you infer your system is out-of-equilibrium?
Zohar Ringel
Hebrew University
Learning Curves for Deep Neural Networks: A field theory perspective
Amir Bashan, Dong Zhou
School of Reliability and Systems Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China
Dependency-based targeted attacks in interdependent networks
Ydan Ben Dor, Eric Woillez, Yariv Kafri, Mehran Kardar, Alexandre P. Solon
Department of Physics, Technion
Ramifications of disorder on active particles in one dimension

A13: Strongly Correlated and low dimensional systems A

Dr. David Mross
Room C (Feinberg)
14:00 - 15:30
Roni Ilan
Tel Aviv University
Pseudo-electromagnetic fields in topological semimetals
Gal Shavit, Yuval Oreg
Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel 76100
Fractional Conductance in Strongly Interacting 1D Systems [1]
T R Devidas, Tom Dvir, Itai Keren, Hadar Steinberg
The Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904, Israel
Spectroscopy of barrier defects coupled to superconductors in van der Waals tunneling
Iliya Esin, Gaurav Kumar Gupta, Erez Berg, Mark Rudner, Netanel Lindner
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Promoting spontaneous symmetry breaking through Floquet band engineering
Evyatar Tulipman, Erez Berg
Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, 76100, Israel
Strongly coupled quantum phonon fluid in a solvable model

A14: Superconductivity and magnetism A

Dr. Jonathan Ruhman
Room B (Feinberg)
14:00 - 15:30
Amit Kanigel, Amit Ribak, Roni Majlin Skiff, M. Mograbi, P.K. Rout, Mark H. Fischer, Jonathan Ruhman, Yoram Dagan
Physics Department, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel
Chiral superconductivity in the alternate stacking compound 4Hb-TaS2
Yotam Roet, Abhay Kumar Nayak, Aviram Steinbok, Amit Kanigel, Nurit Avraham, Haim Beidenkopf
Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 7610001, Israel.
Spectroscopic Measurements of Correlated Electronic States in 4Hb-TaS2
David Mockli, Maxim Khodas
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Ising superconductors: The interplay of magnetic field, triplet channels and disorder
Jonathan Shvartzberg, Avner Shaulov, Yosef Yeshurun
Institute of Superconductivity and Institute of Nanotechnology, Department of Physics, Bar-Ilan University, 5290002 Ramat-Gan, Israel
Quasi-periodic magnetic flux avalanches in doubly connected superconductors
Denis Golosov
Department of Physics and the Resnick Institute, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan 52900, Israel.
An On-Site Density Matrix Description of the Extended Falicov--Kimball Model at Finite Temperatures

A15: Topological Materials A

Dr. Roni Ilan
Ebner Auditorium
14:00 - 15:30
Raquel Queiroz, Eslam Khalaf, Wladimir Benalcazar, Taylor Hughes
Weizmann Institute of Science
Boundary Obstructed Topological Phases
Aviram Steinbok, Jonathan Reiner, Abhay Kumar Nayak, Amit Tulchinsky, Tom Koren, Noam Morali, Rajib Batabyal, Jung-Hyun Kang, Nurit Avraham, Yuval Oreg, Hadas Shtrikman, Haim Beidenkopf
Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science
Spectroscopic Visualization of a Robust Electronic Response of Semiconducting Nanowires to Deposition of Superconducting Islands
Tobias Holder, Daniel Kaplan, Binghai Yan
Weizmann Institute of Science
Bulk photovoltaic effect and anomalous acceleration in Weyl semimetals
Lea Beilkin, Yair Shokef, Roni Ilan, Yoav Lahini
Tel Aviv University
Feedback-based Mechanical Haldane Model
Alon Beck, Moshe Goldstein
Tel Aviv University
Disorder in dissipation-induced topological states: Evidence for novel localization transition

B2: Astrophysics (cosmology)

Dr. Adi Zitrin
Andreas Room - Lopatie
16:00 - 17:30
Robert Lilow, Adi Nusser
Probing structure growth with reconstructions of the local universe
Stefano Anselmi
TECHNION - Israel Institute of Technology
What use are the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations? Why the Linear Point standard ruler?
Robert Reischke
Cosmology with the Cosmic Infrared Background
Shany Danieli
Yale University
Diffuse Galaxies As a Probe for Dark Matter
Yonadav Barry Ginat, Robert Reischke, Vincent Desjacques, Hagai Perets
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
The Probability Distribution of Astrophysical Gravitational-Wave Background Fluctuations
Dimitry Ginzburg, Vincent Desjacques
Technion Israel Institute Of Technology
Shot noise in multi-tracer constraints on fNL and relativistic projections
Ulf Leonhardt
Weizmann Institute of Science
Casimir cosmology

B1: Astrophysics (theory)

Dr. Orly Gnat
Kimmel Hall - Lopatie
16:00 - 17:30
Mor Rozner, Evgeni Grishin, Hagai B. Perets
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, 3200003
The aeolian-erosion barrier for the growth of metre-size objects in protoplanetary-discs
Filip Samuelsson, Damien Bégué, Felix Ryde, Asaf Pe'er
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
The problematic connection between low-luminosity gamma-ray bursts and ultra-high-energy cosmic rays
Michal Wagman, Lawrence P. Horwitz, Asher Yahalom
Ariel University
Retardation Theory: A New Approach to the Dark Matter Problem
Mukesh K Vyas, Indranil Chattopadhyay, Dipanjan Mitra
Postdoctoral Fellow, Bar Ilan University
Comptonization of seed photons with relativistic electrons and spectra of pulsars
Kuan-Chou Hou, Uri Keshet, Gideon Ilani, Ido Reiss
Physics Department, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Virial shocks in galaxy clusters
Santanu Mondal, Kartick C. Sarkar, Uri Keshet, Ilya Gurwich
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Simulating the Fermi Bubbles
Jonathan Freundlich
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Core formation in dark matter haloes and ultra diffuse galaxies by outflow episodes induced by feedback

B3: High Energy (Experiment+Phenomenology) A

Dr. Liron Barak
Weissman Auditorium
16:00 - 17:30
Anna Ivina
Weizmann Institute of Science
Search for a light charged Higgs boson in t\rightarrow H^{+}b decays, with H^{+}\rightarrow c\bar{b} in the lepton+jet final state in pp collisions at \sqrt{s}=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Yoav Afik, Shaouly Bar-Shalom, Jonathan Cohen, Yoram Rozen
Physics Department, Technion--Institute of Technology, Haifa 3200003, Israel
Searching for New Physics with $b\bar{b} \ell^+ \ell^-$ Contact Interactions
Tao Xu
Hebrew University
Displaced Lepton Jet Signatures from Self-Interacting Dark Matter Bound States
Nadav Tamir
Tel Aviv University
Boosted Di-Taus in ATLAS
Guy Koren
Tel Aviv University
Search for the SM Higgs boson decay to a pair of charm quarks with the ATLAS detector
Maria Josefina Alconada Verzini
Tel Aviv University
Search for very low mass resonances in the $\gamma\gamma$ channel with the ATLAS experiment
Oz Davidi, Ranny Budnik, Hyungjin Kim, Gilad Perez, Nadav Priel
Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 7610001, Israel
Searching for a Solar Relaxion or Scalar Particle with XENON1T and LUX
Micha Weiss
Weizmann Institute of Science
XENONnT - increasing the sensitivity of LXe detectors for dark matter

B4: High Energy (Experiment+Phenomenology) B

Dr. Yevgeny Kats
Weissman Aquarium
16:00 - 17:30
16:00-16:20 (invited)
Yonit Hochberg
Hebrew University
New Directions for Dark Matter Detection
Gonzalo Martinez Lema, Yossi Mosbacher, Micha Weiss, Hagar Landsman, Ranny Budnik, Nadav Priel, Ilan Eliyahu, Arik Kreisel, Offir Ozeri, David Hershkovich, Ori Cheshnovsky
Weizmann Institute of Science
Color centers: a new technique to detect low-mass dark matter
Ophir Turetz, Mattias Birman, Ta'El Coren, Shikma Bressler
Weizmann Institute of Science
Development of a data driven approach for a general search for new particle physics
Ta'el Coren
Weizmann Institute of Science
A data driven search for lepton flavour violating Z decays
Yehonatan Viernik, Elina Fuchs, Marta Losada, Yosef Nir
Weizmann Institute
CP Violation and Electroweak Baryogenesis in SMEFT
Emilie Bertholet, Eli Ben-Haim, Bhubanjyoti Bhattacharya, Matthew Charles, David London
Raymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv; Israel
Extraction of the CKM phase γ using charmless 3-body B-meson decays
Minakshi Nayak, Abner Soffer
Tel Aviv University
Search for a Sterile Neutrino in τ Decays at B-factories
Michael Pitt
Diffractive physics at the LHC with tagged forward protons

B5: High Energy (Theory) B

Dr. Shlomo Razamat
Drory Auditorium
16:00 - 17:30
Gabi Zafrir
Milan, Bicocca
An N = 1 Lagrangian for the rank 1 E6 superconformal theory
Karthik Inbasekar
Ben Gurion University
Exact Scattering amplitudes in $\mathcal{N}=3$ supersymmetric Chern-Simons matter theory at large N
Masataka Watanabe, Adar Sharon
Weizmann Institute of Science
Crossover of the operator dimension at large R-charge on a conformal manifold
Matti Jarvinen
Tel Aviv University
Holographic Neutron Star Mergers

B6: High Energy - Nuclear Physics B

Prof. Doron Gazit
Room A (Physics)
16:00 - 17:30
16:00-16:30 (invited)
Eliran Peretz, Jiri  Ulrich, Marin  Ayranov, Ofer  Aviv, Almog  Barak, Yaniv  Buzaglo, Hodaya  Dafna, Rugard  Dressler, Boaz  Kaizer, Niko  Kivel, Dany  Kijel, Arik  Kreisel, Michael  Paul, Dimitri Rochman, Dorothea  Schumann, Peter  Sprung, Moshe  Tessler, Andreas  Türler, Leo  Weissman, Zohar  Yungrais
Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University, 91904 Jerusalem, Israel
Measurement of the stellar neutron capture cross-section of 53Mn
Moshe Friedman, Tamas Budner, David Pérez-Loureiro, Emanuel Pollacco, Chris Wrede, Jordi Jos&eacute, Alex Brown, Marco Cortesi, Cathleen Fry, Brent Glassman, Joe Heideman, Molly Janasik, Michael Roosa, Jordan Stomps, Jason Surbrook, Pranjal Tiwari
National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824-1321, USA
Low-energy 23Al β-delayed proton decay and 22Na destruction in novae
Saar Beck, Bazak Betzalel, Barnea Nir
The Racah institute of physics, The Hebrew university of Jerusalem
Removing the Wigner bound in non-perturbative effective field theory
Sebouh Paul
Tel Aviv University
Measurements of Polarization-Transfer to Bound Protons at the Mainz Microtron in Carbon and Deuteron
Göran Johansson
Tel Aviv University
Probing SRC in inverse kinematics

B7: Lasers and ultrafast physics

Prof. Avi Pe'er
Room A (Feinberg)
16:00 - 17:30
Shaked Rozen
Weizmann institute of science
Controlling sub-cycle instantaneous optical chirality in the photoionization of chiral molecules
Ofer Neufeld, Gavriel Lerner, David Ayuso, Piero Decleva, Mikhail Ivanov, Olga Smirnova, Oren Cohen
Physics Department and Solid State Institute, Technion, Israel.
Ultrafast detection of chirality and ring-currents through high harmonic spectroscopy
Dina Rosenberg, Sharly Fleischer
School of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University
Intrinsic Calibration of Molecular Alignment Using Rotational Echoes
Sutapa Ghosh, Gadi Eisenstein
Andrew and Erna Viterbi Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Technion
Fast and High Resolution Measurement of an Arbitrary Optical Pulse with Dual Comb Spectroscopy
Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Phase-locked laser arrays through Gaussian coupling
Uri Arieli, Omri Meron, Haim Suchowski
Tel Aviv University
Femtosecond Energy Transfer in coupled LSPRs

B8: Light and matter

Dr. Ephraim Shahmoon
Schmidt Auditorium
16:00 - 17:30
Roy Shaham, Or Katz, Ofer Firstenberg
Weizmann Institute of Science
Quantum Optics with Optically Inaccessible Spins
Yahel [1,2] Horowicz, Or Katz, Oren Raz, Ofer Firstenberg
Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Non-equilibrium phase transitions in a hot vapor
Omer Amit, Y. Margalit, O. Dobkowski, Z. Zhou, Y. Japha, M. Zimmermann, M. A. Efremov, F. A. Narducci, E. M. Rasel, W. P. Schleich, R. Folman
Department of Physics, Ben-Gurion University, Be'er Sheva, Israel
T3-Stern-Gerlach Matter-Wave Interferometer
Yiming Pan, Jie Zhang, Eliahu Cohen, Chun-wang Wu, Ping-Xing Chen, Nir Davidson
Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israel
Observation of the weak-to-strong transition of quantum measurement in trapped ions
Liat Nemirovsky, Moshe-Ishay Cohen, Yaakov Lumer, Eran Lustig, Mordechai Segev
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Topological evolution-invariant photonic structures in synthetic dimensions
Yuval Rosenberg, Ulf Leonhardt
The Weizmann Institute of Science
Cherenkov radiation of light bullets
Amit Beer, Dror Hershkovitz, Sharly Fleischer
Raymond and Beverly Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences, School of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University 6997801, Israel
Nonlinear Optics in Gas Phase by Terahertz and Optical Pulses

B9: Materials at the nanoscale: between a solid and a molecule

Dr. Eli Kraisler
Zacks Hall - Stone Building
16:00 - 17:30
Yehonadav Bekenstein
The Solid State Institute, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Anisotropic effects and quantum confined excitons in perovskite nanocrystals and potential applications
Barak Hirshberg
Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Path integral molecular dynamics for bosons and fermions: From ultracold atoms to quantum dots
Amir Ziv, Abhijit Saha, Hen Alpern, Nir Sukenik, Lech Tomasz Baczewski, Shira Yochelis, Meital Reches, Yossi Paltiel
Applied Physics Department, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Local Spin Exchange Microscopy by Chiral Molecules Adsorbed on an AFM Tip
Yossef Panfil, Prof. Uri Banin
Hebrew university jerusalem
Electronic coupling in colloidal quantum dot molecules; the case of CdSe/CdS core/shell homodimers
Amnon Rothman, Vladimir G. Dubrovskii, Ernesto Joselevich
[1] Department of Materials and Interfaces, Faculty of Chemistry, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Kinetics and Mechanism of Planar Nanowire Growth

B10: Nonlinear

Dr. Hillel Aharoni
Wolfson House
16:00 - 17:30
Efi Efrati
Weizmann Institute of Science
Liquid crystals as Frustrated Assemblies; compatibility, optimal compromises, and inverse problems.
Anna Frishman, Daniel Lecoanet
The interplay between inertia and surface tension in the breakup of a fluid bridge
Shlomit Peled, Gil Ariel, Avraham Be'er
Zuckerberg Institute For Water Research
The Dynamics of Mixed Populations of Swarming Bacteria
Shahar Gvirtzman, Jay Fineberg
Hebrew University
Rupture nucleation and crack evolution
Oran Szachter, Eytan Katzav, Michael Moshe
The Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
On the Mechanics of Cracks at the Vicinity of Topological Defects
Simon Mahler, Matthew Goh, Chene Tradonsky, Asher. A. Friesem, Nir Davidson
Weizmann Institute of Science
Improved phase locking of laser arrays with nonlinear coupling

B11: Photonics and Quantum Optics

Dr. Alina Karabchevsky
Room B (Physics)
16:00 - 17:30
Avraham Gover, Yiming Pan, Bin Zhang
Tel Aviv University
The Reality of the Quantum Electron Wavefunction in Interactions with Light and Matter
Aviv Karnieli, Shai Tsesses, Guy Bartal, Ady Arie
Tel Aviv University
Topological Hall Effect in Skyrmionic Nonlinear Photonic Crystals
Sagie Gadasi, Igor Gershenzon, Geva Arwas, Chene Tradonsky, Asher. A. Friesem, Oren Raz, Nir Davidson
Weizmann Institute of Science
Laser Network as an Optimization Machine
Hadar Greener, Elica Kyoseva, Haim Suchowski
Tel Aviv University
Detuning Modulated Composite Pulses for High Fidelity Robust Quantum Control
Tom Coen, Hadar Greener, Michael Mrejen, Lior Wolf, Haim Suchowski
Condensed Matter Physics Department, School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv 6779801, Israel
Predicting Coupled Waveguides Geometry via pix2pix Image-to-Image Translation

B12: Quantum Information and Technology B

Dr. Serge Rosenblum
ITP (Physics)
16:00 - 17:30
Chen Mor, Shay Hacohen Geourgy, Eliya Blumenthal
Towards a multi-qubit gate between non interacting qubits
Or Dobkowski, Zhifan Zhou, Yair Margalit, Samuel Moukouri, Yigal Meir, Ron Folman
1Department of Physics, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel
An experimental test of the geodesic rule proposition for the non-cyclic geometric phase
Ran Finkelstein, Ohr Lahad, Omri Davidson, Itsik Cohen, Eilon Poem, Ofer Firstenberg
Physics of complex systems, Weizmann Institute of Science
Continuous protection of a quantum state from motional dephasing
Chen Avinadav, Dimitry Yankelev, Nir Davidson, Ofer Firstenberg
Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 7610001, Israel
Increasing sensitivity, stability and dynamic range of atom interferometers
Shimshon Bar-Ad, Demitry Farfurnik ,, Nimrod Benshalom ,, Jonathan Efroni ,, Lev Vaidman, Jan Dziewior ,, Lukas Knips ,, Katharina Senkalla ,, Jasmin Meinecke ,, Harald Weinfurter
Raymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv 69978, Israel
Universality of local weak interactions and its application to interferometer alignment
Amir Burshtein, Moshe Goldstein
Tel Aviv University
The single-photon collider: Inelastic scattering of a single-photon on a weak link in a Josephson array

B13: Science Education B

Dr. Avi Merzel
De- Shalit (Physics)
16:00 - 17:30
Richard Hechter
University of Manitoba
אור מנחה: Exploring our place under the night sky.
Eli Raz
ORT Braude College
A slinky spring hanged by its top end, its motion after it is released. A Challenge problem at the International Physics Olympiad
Gilit Porat, Shulamit Kapon
Center for Pre-University Education, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Learning the meaning of measurement in physics
Lilach Ayali, Shy Harazi
How is it possible to perform a Physics Research with High School students?
Hadas Levi, Dr. Avi Merzel, Dr. Yaron Lehavi, Dr. Baruch schvarts
The Hebrew University
Categorization of Physmatic Misconseptions:

B14: Strongly Correlated and low dimensional systems B

Dr. David Mross
Room C (Feinberg)
16:00 - 17:30
Eylon Persky, Jonathan Ruhman, Beena Kalisky
Department of Physics and Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials, Bar Ilan University, Ramat-Gan 5290002, Israel
Imaging the emergence of metallicity at a two dimensional interface
Ori Grossman, Johannes S Hofmann, Tobias Holder, Erez Berg
Weizmann Institute of Science
Marcello Calvanese Strinati, Richard Berkovits, Efrat Shimshoni
Department of Physics, Bar-Ilan University, 52900 Ramat-Gan, Israel
Emergent bosons in the fermionic two-leg flux ladder
Tsuf Lichtman, Ryan Thorngren, Netanel Lindner, Ady Stern, Erez Berg
Weizmann Institute of Science
Bulk Anyons as Edge Symmetries: Boundary Phase Diagrams of Topologically Ordered States
Yuval Nitzav, Amit Kanigel
The sign reversal of the Hall Resistance in the flux flow regime of Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2O8+delta
David Dentelski, Dr. Emanuele Dalla-Torre
Bar-Ilan University
Minimal model of charge and pairing density waves in X-ray scattering experiments

B15: Superconductivity and magnetism B

Dr. Jonathan Ruhman
Room B (Feinberg)
16:00 - 17:30
Uri Zondiner, Asaf Rozen, Daniel Rodan-Legrain, Yuan Cao, Raquel Queiroz, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Yuval Oreg, Felix von Oppen, Ady Stern, Erez Berg, Pablo Jarillo-Herrero, Shahal Ilani
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel [2] Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA [3] National Institute for Materials Science, Japan [4] Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Cascade of Phase Transitions and Dirac Revivals in Magic Angle Graphene
Aviram Uri, Sameer Grover, Yuan Cao, J. Alex Cross, Kousik Bagani, Daniel Rodan-Legrain, Yuri Meyasoedov, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Pilkyung Moon, Mikito Koshino, Pablo Jarillo-Herrero, Eli Zeldov
Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 7610001, Israel
Mapping the twist angle disorder and unconventional Landau levels in magic angle graphene
Eyal Cornfeld, Erez Berg
Weizmann Institute of Science
Currents in spin-polarized superconductors: Order parameter topology and applications for twisted double-bilayer graphene
Gal Tuvia, Yiftach Frenkel, Prasanna Komar Rout, Itai Silber, Beena Kalisky, Yoram Dagan
Raymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 6997801, Israel
Ferroelectric exchange bias affects interfacial electronic states
Aviv Glezer Moshe, Guy Deutscher, Eli Farber
Tel Aviv University
Upper critical fields near unitarity at a BCS–BEC crossover in granular aluminum

B16: Topological Materials B

Dr. Roni Ilan
Ebner Auditorium
16:00 - 17:30
Abhay Kumar Nayak, Jonathan Reiner, Raquel Queiroz, Huixia Fu, Chandra Shekhar, Binghai Yan, Claudia Felser, Nurit Avraham, Haim Beidenkopf
Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 7610001, Israel.
Resolving topological classification through topological defects
Rajarshi Bhattacharyya, Sourav Biswas, Sofya Konyzheva, Moty Heiblum, Diana Mahalu, Vladimir Umansky
Weizmann Institute of Science
Edge Mode Engineering and Interferometry in the Quantum Hall Regime
Himanshu Lohani
Israel Institute of Technology, Technion
Bulk band inversion in iron superconductor FeSeTe
Yaroslav Don, Eric Akkermans
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
Topological Phase Transitions in Aperiodic Tilings
Amit Goft, Omrie Ovdat, Eric Akkermans
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Building spin entangled states from bipartite lattices
Xi Wu, M. Zubkov
Physics Department, Ariel University
Quantum Hall Conductivity in presence of interactions



A - Astro
D - CondMat
E - StatMech
G - Applied Physics
H - Science Education
I - Materials physics

Matan Lotem, Andreas Weichselbaum, Jan von Delft, Moshe Goldstein
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
Lindblad Dynamics for Quantum Impurity Models: An NRG-tDMRG Scheme for Matrix Product Density Operators

Prof. Nadav Katz
The David Lopatie Conference Centre


A - Astro
D - CondMat
E - StatMech
G - Applied Physics
H - Science Education
I - Materials physics

Uri Lachish
The Sun and the Moon a Riddle in the Sky
Abhishek Banerjee, Dmitry Budker, Joshua Eby, Hyungjin Kim, Gilad Perez
Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics, Weizmann Institute of Science
Relaxion stars and how to detect them
Re'em Harel, Stanislav Burov, Shay I. Heizler
Department of Physics, Bar-Ilan University, IL52900, Ramat-Gan, Israel
Deriving the Time-Dependent Asymptotic PN Approximation
Dan Cohen, Guy Ron
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The HUJI Straw Tube Tracker for the MUSE Experiment
Hilla De-Leon, Francesco Pederiva
Quantum Monte Carlo methods for few and many-body physics
Ben Hatzofe, Nir Kastin, Chen Dubi
Israeli atomic energy commission
Benchmarking of OpenMC on OPAL research reactor
Yoav Priel, Tal Queller, Yitzhak Maron
Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Plasma spectroscopy in a self collapse process
Egor Liokumovitch, Shmuel Sternklar
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Ariel University, Ariel 40700 Israel
Heterodyne phase-shift-amplified interferometry with improved shot-noise-limited sensitivity and immunity to RIN
Afik Shachar
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
A compact and cost effective laser desorption source for molecular beam generation and for spectroscopic studies
Yair Yifrach, Rami Rahimi, Alexander Portnov, Ilana Bar
Department of Physics, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva 8410501, ISRAEL
A new imaging-based method for alignment of multiple laser beams
Meirav Pinkas, Ruti Ben-Shlomi, Nitzan Akerman, Roee Ozeri
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Measuring the energy dependence of the excitation-exchange cross-section for an ultra-cold atom-ion collision
Yair Salem, Dr. Orel Bechler, Prof. Barak Dayan
Department of Chemical Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israel
The Dynamics of Cold Rubidium 87 Atoms Under an Electro-magnetic Field
Baruch Margulis, Julia Narevicius, Ed Narevicius
Weizmann Institute of Science
Direct Observation of a Feshbach Resonance by Coincidence Detection of Penning Ionization Products
Parveen Kumar, Kyrylo Snizhko, Nihal Rao, Yuval Gefen
Department of condensed matter physics, Weizmann institute of science, Israel.
Weak-measurement-induced asymmetric dephasing: a topological transition
Samuel Goldstein, Naftali Kirsh, Elisha Svetitsky, Yuval Zamir, Ori Hachmo, Shimon Eliav, Nadav Katz
The Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Amplifying Quantum Signals with Kinetic Inductance Superconducting Microstrips
Inbar Shani, Emanuele G. Dalla Torre, Michael Stern
Bar Ilan University
Proposal for Coupling Superconducting Qubits via a Squeezed Cavity
Daniel Nikiforov, Bagrat Khachatryan, Nir Tessler, Eitan Ehrenfreund
Physics Department, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, ISRAEL
Effects of Spin-Pair Lifetime on Magnetic Field Effects in Organic Light Emitting Diodes
Angeleene Ang, Alina Karabchevsky
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Design of silicon nano-antenna on optical waveguide with deep learning-based algorithm to trap atoms
Idan Parshani, Leon Bello, Mallachi-Elia Meller, Avi Pe'er
Bar Ilan University
Full spatio-temporal simulation of Kerr-lens modelocking
Gal Ness, Constantine Shkedrov, Yanay Florshaim, Yoav Sagi
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Exploring the polaronic landscape with high-sensitivity Raman spectroscopy
Rami Rahimi, Yair Yifrach, Alexander Portnov, Ilana Bar
Department of Physics, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva 8410501, Israel
Recovery of kinetic energies and angular distributions of photoelectrons by spatial map imaging
Anatoly Patsyk
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Observation of Branched Flow of Light
Harel Ichay, Leonid Vidor, Hagai Eisenberg
Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Simulating SPDC for minimization of the spectral entanglement between generated photons
Igor Khanonkin, Ori Eyal, Sven Bauer, Johann Peter Reithmaier, Gadi Eisenstein
Andrew and Erna Viterbi Department of Electrical Engineering and Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute, Technion, Haifa 32000, Israel
Simultaneous Resonant and Non - Resonant Tunneling Injections in Quantum Dot - Based Lasers and Amplifiers
Gal Amit, Y. Japha, T. Shushi, R. Folman, E. Cohen
Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan 5290002, Israel
Utilizing atomic wavepacket shaping for resisting the Casimir-Polder force
Daniel Azses, Daniel Azses, Yehuda Naveh, Eran Sela, Emanuele G. Dalla Torre
Department of Physics, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan 5290002, Israel
Probing symmetry-protected topological states on noisy quantum computers
Omri Lesser, Yuval Oreg
Weizmann Institute of Science
Universal phase diagram of topological superconductors subjected to magnetic flux
Yuval Abulafia, Eric Akkermans
Spectral behaviour of vacancies in graphene : a STM study
Ayelet Zalic, Shahar Simon, Sergei Remennik, Atzmon Vakahi, Genda D. Gu, Hadar Steinberg
Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
FeTe(0.55)Se(0.45) van der Waals tunneling devices
Daniel Sabsovich, Tobias Meng, Raquel Queiroz, Dmitry Pikulin, Roni Ilan
Raymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel
Pseudo-field effects in type-II Weyl semi-metals: design principles and transport probes for over-tilted Weyl cones
Shailendra Rajput, Asher Yahalom
Department of Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Ariel University, Israel
Relativistic Engine: Momentum and Energy Conservations
Pranab Kumar Nag, Noam Morali, Rajib Batabyal, Enke Liu, Qiunan Xu, Yan Sun, Binghai Yan, Claudia Felser, Nurit Avraham, Haim Beidenkopf
Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 7610001, Israel
Spectroscopic evidence on classification of ferromagnetic Co3Sn2S2 as a magnetic Weyl semimetal
Noam Schiller, Eyal Cornfeld, Erez Berg, Yuval Oreg
Weizmann Institute of Science
Signatures of Topological Superconductivity and Parafermion Zero Modes in Fractional Quantum Hall Edges
Chunxu Zhang, Mikhail Zubkov
Ariel University
Hall conductivity as the topological invariant in phase space in the presence of interactions and non-uniform magnetic field
Anders V. Bjørlig, Irina Volotsenko, Aviad Frydman, Beena Kalisky
Department of Physics and Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan 5290002, Israel.
Current-Phase-Relation measurements of superconducting Niobium rings with a scanning SQUID microscope
Gregory Kopnov, Noga Eden, Shahar Fraenkel, MOshe Goldstein, Alexander Gerber
Tel Aviv University
Longitudinal and transverse magnetoresistance in films with tilted out-of-plane magnetic anisotropy
Yonit Maroudas-Sacks, Liora Garion, Lital Shani-Zerbib, Anton Livshits, Erez Braun, Kinneret Keren
Department of Physics, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Topological defects in the nematic order of actin fibres as organization centres of Hydra morphogenesis
Guy Amit, Orr Levy, Dana Vaknin, Tom Snir, Sol Efroni, Peter Castaldi, Yang-Yu Liu, Haim Y. Cohen, Amir Bashan
Department of Physics, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan 52900, Israel
Loss of gene-to-gene transcriptional coordination is a general attribute of aging
‪Dana Vaknin‬‏, Bnaya Gross, Sergey V Buldyrev, Shlomo Havlin
Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel
Spreading of localized attacks on spatial multiplex networks with a community structure
Bnaya Gross, Ivan Bonamassa, Michael M. Danziger, Shlomo Havlin
Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel
Critical stretching of mean–field regimes in spatial networks
Luiz C. B. da Silva, Efi Efrati
Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Science
Exact minimal parking garages: pitch balance of helical motifs in optimally packed lamellar structures
Adam Gitkind, Oren Yaakobian, Eilon Sherman
Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Super-resolved imaging of RAS proteins in live melanoma cells using PALM method
Galor Geva, Tamir Admon, Guri Achi Dror, Yael Roichman
Tel Aviv university
Effective temperature tuning with random optical forces
Amir Haluts, Sylvia F. Garza, Alex L. Jordan, Nir Gov
Weizmann Institute of Science
Dynamics on the Spider Web - Predictive Physics-Based Model for Mating Interactions in Spiders
Ido Tishby, Ofer Biham, Eytan Katzav
Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem 91904, Israel
Convergence of contracting networks towards an asymptotic maximum-entropy structure
Ruoyu Yin
Bar Ilan University
Large fluctuations of the first detected quantum return time
Amit Nir, Roy Beck, Yohai Bar-Sinai
Raymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv 69978, Israel
Efficient Entropy Evaluation using Neural Network Estimator
Boris Timchenko, Eric Akkermans
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
Non-Equilibrium Radiative Heat Transfer
Sunghan Ro, Juyeon Yi, Yong Woon Kim
The Role of Flow Symmetry and Dimensionality in Chiral Separation
Chen Bar-Haim, Haim Diamant
Tel Aviv University
Surface response of a semi-infinite polymer network
Jorge Berger, Jacob Rubinstein
Physics and Optical Engineering, Ort Braude
A set of models for the organ of Corti
Mario Hidalgo-Soria, Eli Barkai
Department of Physics, Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials, Bar-Ilan University
The Hitchhiker model for Laplace diffusion processes in the cell environment
David Gomez, Dr. Ayelet Lesman, Prof. Yair Shokef
Tel Aviv University, School of Mechanical Engineering
Target finding in complex narrow channels
Raz Halifa- Levi, Yacov Kantor
Tel Aviv University
Quantum Particle in a Part of a Spherical Potential Well Confined by a Cone
Omer Granek, Yongjoo Baek, Yariv Kafri, Alexandre P. Solon
Bodies in an Interacting Active Fluid: Far-Field Influence of a Single Body and Interaction Between Two Bodies
Shailendra Rajput, Ayan Barbora, Konstantin Komoshvili, Stella Aronov, Jacob Levitan, Asher Yahalom
Department of Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Ariel University, Israel
Scrutinize the effect of millimeter wave irradiation on Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cells
Ohad Vilk, Michael Assaf
Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904, Israel
Extinction risk of a Metapopulation under bistable local dynamics
Oz Oshri, Santidan Biswas, Anna C. Balazs
Mechanical Engineering, Ben-Gurion University
Modeling the formation of double rolls from heterogeneously patterned gels
Itzhack Dana, Atanu Rajak, Emanuele G. Dalla torre
Department of Physics, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan 5290002
Characterizations of Prethermal States in Periodically Driven Many-Body Systems with Unbounded Chaotic Diffusion
Mai Tal, Shay Keren-Zur, Tal Ellenbogen
Department of Physical Electronics, Faculty of Engineering, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv 6779801, Israel
THz Generation and Spectroscopy with Nonlinear Plasmonic Metasurface Antennas Excited by a Nanojoule Femtosecond Laser
Moneer Nabwani, A. Yahalom, Y. Pinhasi
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Ariel University
Real Time Fault Detection Using the Retardation Method
Rita Abramov, Ziv Glasser, Shmuel Sternklar
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Ariel University, Ariel 40700 Israel
Optoelectronic chromatic dispersion in photodiodes
Lishai Shoham, Maria Baskin, Myung-Geun Han, Yimei Zhu, Lior Kornblum
Andrew and Erna Viterbi Department of Electrical Engineering, Technion—Israel Institute of Technology
Growth of the Transparent Correlated Metal SrVO3
Amnon Fruchtman, Gennady Makrinich
H.I.T. - Holon Institute of Technology
Ion mass separation by oscillating electromagnetic fields
Ronen Mir, Benjamin Klingman
Schwartz/Reisman Science Education Center
The "WOW..." Effect in Physics Education: Using the Singing Tesla Tower as a teaching tool in physics class room.
Carl Merrigan, Yair Shokef, Cristiano Nisoli
Tel Aviv University
Spontaneously Stressed Mechanical Metamaterials
Yossi Rabinowitz, Ariel Etinger, Asher Yahalom, Haim Cohen, Yosef Pinhasi
Ariel University Electrical Engineering Department
Millimeter Wave Spectroscopy for Evaluating Diamond Color Grades
Mayan Rousso, Tali Dotan, Yosi Shacham
Tel Aviv Youth University, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
Effects of electrolyte concentration and electrodes voltage on the minimal distance between 2 electrodes for nanometric-scale biosensors
Daniel Segre, Henry Realpe
Jusidman Science Center for Youth, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheba, Israel & Alpha program, Future scientists program.
A magnetized Gadolinium surface characterized by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
Matan Menahem, Omer Yaffe
Department of Materials and Interfaces, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Anharmonicity and Symmetry Breaking in 2D Hybrid Halide Perovskites
Maor Asher, Omer Yaffe
Weizmann Institute of Science
Vibrational Anharmonicity in Organic Semiconductors
Shailendra Rajput, Moshe Averbukh, Asher Yahalom
Department of Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Ariel University, Israel
A new concept of mechanical to electrical energy conversion employing electrostatic principle and electrochemical approach
Elihu Anouchi, Tony Yamin, Amos Sharoni
Department of Physics, Bar Ilan University
A Novel 3-Terminal VO2-Based Device with Internal Switch
Merav Hadad
Open university, Raanana, Israel
Non-Cauchy surface foliations and their expected connection to quantum gravity theories
Adi Cohen, Omer Yaffe
Weizmann institute of science
The origin of anharmonic atomic motion in halide perovskite crystals
Ori Saporta Katz, Vered Rom-Kedar, Hezi Gildor, Edriss Titi
Weizmann Institute of Science
Heat and Salinity as Almost-Passive Scalars in an Oceanic Overturning Flow
Eyal Bairey, Guo Chu, Dario Poletti, Netanel Lindner, Itai Arad
Learning quantum dynamics from steady states
Dekel Shapira, Doron Cohen
Ben-Gurion University
High temperature Quantum Brownian motion in disordered chain
Arik Yochelis, Yuval Edri, Ehud Meron
Department of Solar Energy and Environmental Physics, Swiss Institute for Dryland Environmental and Energy Research, Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research (BIDR), Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Novel Arnol'd tongue shapes in spatially extended parametrically forced oscillations and their relevance to hearing
Arik Yochelis
Department of Solar Energy and Environmental Physics, Swiss Institute for Dryland Environmental and Energy Research, Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research (BIDR), Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Template free formation of mesoporous structures using ionic liquid mixtures
Simon Mahler, Chene Tradonsky, Naresh Reddy Kumar, Sagie Gadasi, Igor Gersherzon, Asher A. Friesem, Nir Davidson
Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 7610001, Israel
Crowd synchrony and first order transition with coupled lasers
Deborah Schwarcz, Stanislav Burov
Bar Ilan university
Crowdedness as a mechanism for diffusion enhancement in a binary mixture of particles
Gal Winer, Lee Drori, Ofer Firstenberg
Weizmann Institute of Science
Rydberg excitations in ultracold atomic ensembles
Ilan Baiman
Ilan Baiman
Glass-like relaxation dynamics following the MIT of vo2 films
Lior Zarfaty, Eli Barkai, Sergey Denisov
Department of Physics, Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Dispersion of particles in an infinite-horizon Lorentz gas
Tomer Ygael, Aharon Davidson
Physics Department, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Mini-Superspace Universality and No-Scale Quantum Cosmology
Mathimalar Subramanian
Weizmann Institute of Science
MBE growth of SnTe nanowires for studying mesoscopic topological states
Michal Shavit, Gregory Falkovich
Weizmann Institute of Science
Singular measures and information capacity of turbulent cascades
Sivan Trajtenberg Mills, Aviv Karnieli, Adi Pick, Ady Arie
Tel Aviv University
Exceptional points in sum frequency generation
Tamara Ehm, Merav Segal, Guy Jacoby, Roey Amir, Joachim Rädler, Roy Beck-Barkai
Tel Aviv University
Structures and Interactions of intrinsically disordered polypeptide amphiphiles
Biswarup Ash, Ariel Amir, Yohai Bar Sinai, Yuval Oreg, Yoseph Imry
Weizmann Institute of Science
Thermal conductance of one dimensional disordered harmonic chains
Bar Peled, Amit Te'eni, Eliahu Cohen, Avishy Carmi
Center for Quantum Information Science and Technology & Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beersheba 8410501, Israel
Population Dynamics of Entangled Species

Authors Index

Plenary, A1-B9 - Parallel, R=Review, PA-1 - PZ-N = Poster

Abramov, RitaPG-62
Abulafia, YuvalPD-28
Acebron, AnaA2
Afik, YoavB3
Alconada Verzini, Maria JB3
Amit, GuyPE-38
Amit , GalPC-25
Amit , OmerB8
Ang, AngeleenePC-18
Anouchi, ElihuPI-73
Anselmi, StefanoB2
Arazi, LiorA5
Arcavi, IairA2
Arieli, UriB7
Asher, MaorPI-71
Ash, BiswarupP-1000
Avinadav , ChenB12
Ayali, LilachB13
Azses , DanielPC-26
Azulay, AmramA4
Azulay , Doron A4
Baiman, IlanP-1000
Bairey, EyalP-1000
Banerjee, AbhishekA6, PB-02
Bar, NitsanA6
Bar-Ad , ShimshonB12
Bar-Haim, ChenPE-50
Barkai, Eli A11
Barron, UrielA5
Bashan, AmirA12
Beck, AlonA15
Beck, SaarB6
Beer, AmitB8
Beida, WejdanA8
Beilkin, LeaA15
Bekenstein, YehonadavB9
Ben Dor , YdanA12
Benshalom, Nimrod A4
Berger , JorgePE-51
Bernstein, NirelA1
Bertholet, EmilieB4
Bhattacharyya, RajarshiB16
Bilenca, AlbertoA1
Bisker, GiliA12
Bjørlig , Anders V.PD-34
Bloch , ItayA6
Bracha, ShaharA2
Brukner, NadavA7
Burshtein, AmirB12
Calvanese Strinati, MarceB14
Coen , TomB11
Cohen, AdiPI-74
Cohen, DanPB-04
Cohen , AyalaA4
Coren, Ta'elB4
Cornfeld, EyalB15
da Silva, Luiz C. B.PE-41
Dana, ItzhackPF-59
Danieli, ShanyB2
Davidi , OzB3
De-Leon, HillaPB-05
Dentelski, DavidB14
Devidas, T RA13
Dey, SouravA5
Dobkowski, OrB12
Dogic, ZvonimirR3
Don, YaroslavB16
Edri, HagaiA3
Efetov, DmitriR2
Efrati, EfiB10
Ehm, TamaraP-1000
Eiger, JamesA6
Esin , IliyaA13
Falcke, Heino R1
Finkelstein, RanB12
Fraenkel, ShacharA9
Freundlich, Jonathan B1
Friedman , MosheB6
Frishman, AnnaB10
Fruchtman, AmnonPG-64
Gadasi, SagieB11
Ganguly, SanmayA5
Gavrielov, NoamA8
Geva, GalorPE-43
Ghosh, SutapaB7
Giaccari, Stefano GregoriA7
Ginat, Yonadav BarryB2
Ginzburg, DimitryB2
Gitkind , Adam PE-42
Glezer Moshe , AvivB15
Glick-Magid, AyalaA8
Goft, AmitB16
Golan , OmriA9
Goldstein, SamuelPC-15
Golosov, Denis A14
Gomez, DavidPE-53
Gover, AvrahamB11
Granek, OmerPE-55
Greener, HadarB11
Grojean, Christophe R1
Gross, BnayaPE-40
Grossman, OriB14
Gvirtzman, ShaharB10
Hadad, MeravP-1000
Halifa- Levi, RazPE-54
Haluts , AmirPE-44
Harel, Re'emPB-03
Hatzofe, BenPB-06
Haxton, WickR1
Hechter, RichardB13
Hexner, DanielA12
Hidalgo-Soria, MarioPE-52
Hirshberg, BarakB9
Hochberg, YonitB4
Holder, TobiasA15
Horowicz, Yahel B8
Hou, Kuan-ChouB1
Ichay , Harel PC-23
Ilan, Roni A13
Inbasekar, KarthikB5
Ivina, AnnaB3
Jarvinen, MattiB5
Johansson, GöranB6
Kafri, YarivR3
Kanigel, Amit A14
Karnieli, AvivB11
Karpov, MichaelA3
Katz, BoazA10
Khanonkin, IgorPC-24
Klingman, Benjamin A10
Kopnov, Gregory PD-36
Koren, GuyB3
Korover, IgorA8
Kramer, Eric DavidA6
Kumar, ParveenPC-14
Lachish, UriPA-01
Leonhardt, UlfB2
Lesser, OmriPD-27
Levi, HadasB13
Levy, MichaelA11
Lichtman, TsufB14
Lilow, RobertB2
Liokumovitch, EgorPC-08
Lohani, HimanshuB16
Lotem , MatanP-1000
Mahler, SimonP-1000
Mahler , SimonB10
Margulis, BaruchPC-13
Maroudas-Sacks, YonitPE-37
Martinez Lema , GonzaloB4
Melini, DavideA5
Menahem, MatanPI-70
Merrigan, Carl PI-66
Mir, RonenPH-65
Mizrachi , Gilad A5
Mockli, DavidA14
Mondal, SantanuB1
Mor, ChenB12
Moriel , AvrahamA11
Nabwani, MoneerPG-61
Nag , Pranab KumarPD-32
Nayak, MinakshiB4
Nayak , Abhay KumarB16
Nemirovsky, LiatB8
Ness, GalPC-20
Neufeld, OferB7
Nikiforov , DanielPC-17
Nir, GuyA2
Nir , AmitPE-47
Nitzav, YuvalB14
Or, PazA8
Oshri , OzPF-58
Ozeri, RoeeR3
Pan, YimingB8
Panfil, YossefB9
Parshani, IdanPC-19
Patsyk, Anatoly PC-22
Paul, SebouhB6
Pechen, AlexanderA9
Peled, ShlomitB10
Peled , BarP-1000
Peretz , EliranB6
Persky, EylonB14
Pimenov , Dimitri A3
Pinkas, MeiravPC-11
Pitt, MichaelB4
Pollack, Yoav G.A11
Porat , Gilit B13
Priel, YoavPB-07
Queiroz, RaquelA15
Rabinowitz, YossiPI-67
Rahimi, RamiPC-21
Rajput, ShailendraPI-72, PD-31, PE-56
Raz, Amir A7
Raz, EliB13
Refaely-Abramson, SivanA4
Reischke, RobertB2
Ringel, ZoharA12
Ro, SunghanPE-49
Roet , YotamA14
Rosenberg, DinaB7
Rosenberg, YuvalB8
Rosenthal, Amir A1
Rothman , AmnonB9
Rousso, Mayan PI-68
Rozen, ShakedB7
Rozner, MorB1
Sabsovich , DanielPD-29
Salem , YairPC-12
Samuelsson , FilipB1
Saporta Katz, OriP-1000
Savoray, InbarA6
Schiller, NoamPD-33
Schleier-Smith, MonikaR2
Schmalian, JoergR2
Schwarcz, DeborahP-1000
Segre , Daniel PI-69
Shachar, AfikPC-09
Shaham, RoyB8
Shalev, EliA10
Shalit, AvivA6
Shani, InbarPC-16
Shapira, DekelP-1000
Shapira , YotamA3
Shavit, GalA13
Shavit, MichalP-1000
Shkedrov, ConstantineA3
Shoham, LishaiPG-63
Shulga, EvgenyA5
Shvartzberg, JonathanA14
Singh, Simon Plenary
Snizhko , KyryloA9
Song, JaewonA7
Steinbok, AviramA15
Subramanian, MathimalarP-1000
Szachter, OranB10
Tal , MaiPG-60
Tal-Or , LevA2
Tamir, NadavB3
Te'eni , AmitA9
Teomy, EialA11
Tesi, AndreaA5
Timchenko, BorisPE-48
Tishby , IdoPE-45
Trajtenberg Mills, SivanP-1000
Tulipman, EvyatarA13
Turetz, OphirB4
Tuvia, GalB15
Uri, AviramB15
Uzdin, RaamA9
Vaknin‬‏, ‪DanaPE-39
Viernik, YehonatanB4
Vilk, OhadA11, PF-57
Vyas, Mukesh KB1
Wagman, MichalB1
Watanabe, MasatakaB5
Weiss, MichaB3
Weiss , Yaniv A6
Weissman, Efraim YehudaA10
Winer, GalA1
Winer, Gal P-1000
Wu, XiB16
Xu, TaoB3
Ye, JunPlenary
Ygael, TomerP-1000
Yifrach, YairPC-10
Yin, RuoyuPE-46
Yochelis, ArikP-1000
Yudkin, YaakovA3
Zafrir, GabiB5
Zalic, AyeletPD-29
Zarfaty , LiorP-1000
Zhang, ChunxuPD-33
Ziv, AmirB9
Zohar, RoniA10
Zondiner , UriB15