Astronomy and Astrophysics II

Chair Information
Avishai Dekel
Chairman details: 
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Dach (5)
Program start time: 
Program end time: 

Lectures for this program:

Lecture Time Speaker Lecture subject
15:45-16:10 Avishay Gal-Yam The fate of the most massive stars
The fate of the most massive stars is a long-time mystery. For decades it was even unclear how massive are the most mass...
16:10-16:35 Noam Soker A unified feedback mechanism with jets
16:35-16:48 Omer Bromberg [1] Analytic Modeling of the Propagation of Jets Inside Collapsars
16:48-17:01 David Wanderman The luminosity function and the rate of Swift's Gamma Ray Bursts
17:01-17:14 Allona Vazan [1] The Effect of Opacity on the Evolution of Giant Planets