The Israel Physical Society


The Israel Physical Society is a voluntary non-profit society which acts to stimulate research and education in physics. The organization is open to all physicists (not only from Israel), including students, and those who support research and education in physics. Any physicist, student of physics, or simply a person who supports research and education in physics can become a member, if he/she accepts the aforementioned objectives of the IPS. Joining the IPS has never been easier. Quick links: Register; Login; Submit. Visit our facebook page.



IPS Fellows 2020

IPS Fellows 2020

Congratulations to Prof. David J Bergman, Prof. Tsevi Mazeh (Tel Aviv University), Prof. Avishai Dekel (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Prof. Moti Milgrom and Prof. Victor Steinberg, (Weizmann Institute of Science)

who were honored at  2020 IPS meeting as Fellows of the Israel Physical Society.



Shmuel Fishman


Prof. Shmuel Fishman

Professor emeritus Shmuel Fishman died on Tuesday, 2 April, in Haifa, Israel. His funeral will take place on Monday 8 April, 15:00, at the Tel Regev cemetery. 

Shmuel Fishman was one of the founders of "Quantum Chaos". He is well known for providing the theoretical foundation for "dynamical localization", a dramatic way in which quantum-to-classical correspondence is broken. Over his long career Shmuel made numerous contributions  to our understanding of phase transitions, driven dynamical systems, and non-linear effects in atom optics. Shmuel was a caring and wonderful mentor, and many of his former students serve as faculty in universities in Israel and around the world.

The Israel physical society lost a valuable, kind and respected member.

New IPS Fellows


2018 ips fellows
Congratulations to Prof. Guy Deutcher, Prof. David HornProf. Hagai Netzer (Tel-Aviv University)and Prof. Joshua Zak (Technion) who were honored at  2018 IPS meeting as Fellows of the Israel Physical Society.

Deutscher, Guy  Tel Aviv University

For his leadership in experimental and theoretical research in the theory of superconductivity and in particular the "proximity effect". For his influential contributions to the research on percolation and localization in two dimensions and, for his leadership in building experimental condensed matter physics in Israel.    

Horn, David  Tel Aviv University

For his ground breaking discovery of the Dolen-Horn- Schmidt Duality in hadronic physics, and pivotal role in creating a community of high energy theoretical physicists in Israel.

Netzer, Hagai  Tel-Aviv University

For initiating observational astronomy in Israel, and for ground breaking research especially, the measurements of the masses of black holes in quasars centers and active galaxies and for opening the gates to astronomy to the general public.

Zak, Joshua  Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

For his contribution to condensed matter physics and in particular for the discovery of the magnetic translation group and the KQ representation also known as Zak representation and for the discovery of the topological phase in the band theory of solids known as Zak phase.