Plasma Physics

Chair Information
Avraham Gover
Ornstein 110
Program start time: 
Program end time: 

Lectures for this program:

Lecture Time Speaker Lecture subject
15:45-16:05 Amichay Perry [1] Status Report on the SARAF Accelerator Project Phase I
The Soreq Applied Research Accelerator Facility, SARAF, is currently under construction at Soreq NRC.
16:05-16:19 Shurik Yatom Investigation of high pressured gas dicharge in nanosecond time scale
16:19-16:33 E. Schleifer Generation of Multi-MeV protons by interaction of modest laser intensities with H2O "snow" nano-wire targets
16:33-16:47 Yiftach Katzir A Plasma Micro-Lens and Corrugated Capillary for Ultra Short High Power Lasers
We present a technique for generation of miniature plasma lens system that can be used for focusing and collimating a hi...
16:47-17:01 Yu. Lurie Wide-band simulations of a pulsed-driven THz FEL
Wide-band, space-frequency approach is applied to simulations of a pulsed-driven free-electron laser (FEL), operating in...
17:01-17:15 D. Dubrovin [1] Sprite discharges on Venus, Jupiter and Saturn: a Laboratory Investigation in Planetary Gas Mixtures