New Data-Driven Jet-Quality Cuts with the ATLAS Detector in Proton-Proton Collisions at a Center-of-Mass Energy of 7 TeV

  Itamar Roth  ,  Tal Frank  ,  Ehud Duchovni  
Weizmann Institute of Science

Many models for Physics Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) predict experimental signatures with significant missing transverse energy (MET) in the final state. Alternatively, missing transverse energy may arise from badly measured jets. Hence, it is of a paramount importance to identify events whose energy is likely to be badly measured.

We use a sample of clear di-jet events, which were reconstructed by the ATLAS detector, in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV, in order to look for anomalies in the jet longitudinal profile. Such anomalies may serve as an indication for the presence of a badly measured jet, which should give rise to large MET in these events.