Why do we observe a weak force? The hierarchy problem in the multiverse

  Oram Gedalia [1]  ,  Alejandro Jenkins [2]  ,  Gilad Perez [1]  
[1] Department of Particle Physics & Astrophysics, Weizmann Institute of Science
[2] Physics Department, Florida State University

Unless the scale of electroweak symmetry breaking is stabilized dynamically, most of the universes in a multiverse theory will lack an observable weak nuclear interaction. Such "weakless universes" could support intelligent life based on organic chemistry, as long as other parameters are properly adjusted. By taking into account the seemingly-unrelated flavor dynamics that address the hierarchy of quark masses and mixings, we show that such weakless (but hospitable) universes can be far more common than universes like ours.  The gauge hierarchy problem therefore calls for a dynamical (rather than anthropic) solution.