The effect of electromagnetically induced transparency on an array of optical vortices

  David Shwa   ,  Evgeny Shtranvasser   ,  Yoni Shalibo   ,  Nadav Katz   
The Racah Institute of physics, The Hebrew University

The propagation of optical vortices, both in free space and in media, exhibits interesting fundamental and applicative properties. These include the transfer of orbital angular momentum and stability against diffusion in media. An array of optical vortices imprinted upon a Gaussian beam rotates as a rigid body in its free space propagation due to the orbital angular momentum of each vortex. The rotation angle depends on the total angular momentum and the distance between the vortices. We use such an array as a probe in an electromagnetically induced transparency experiment in warm Rubidium vapor. Scanning the two photon detuning reveals a change in the rotation angle and the distance between the vortices. We observe both positive (free-space like) enhanced rotation, and negative (contra free-space) rotation of the array.  A comparison to simulation shows good agreement with the experimental results.