Effective Correlation Measure for Electron Hopping in Ferroelectric KTaNbO3

  Shimon Lerner [1]  ,  Paul Ben Ishai [1]  ,  Marian Paluch [2]  ,  Aharon Agranat [1]  ,  Yuri Feldman [1]  
[1] Hebrew University of Jerusalem
[2] Institute of Physics, Silesian University

     The dielectric properties of a polaron process present in KTa1-xNbxO3 crystals was measured (10-2-106Hz, at 300-375K) using Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy. An analysis was then performed utilizing dielectric theory and the insight provided through the Kirkwood-Fröhlich molecular models.  At the same time, the theoretical parameters of such small polarons have been well studied using the simple Holstein model. Combining these two very different approaches, based on comparing them in terms of free energy, gives rise to many new insights, including a new definition for an electron hopping Kirkwood correlation factor. These insights were then tested by using hydrostatic pressure (up to 7.5kbar) to gently perturb the system and observe the outcome in terms of the Cole-Cole α(lnτ) behavior. The polaron dynamics, as reflected through the dipolar correlations and free electron carrier concentrations, can thus be accurately monitored from a dielectric standpoint.