Preliminary Study Results of Collective Noise-Dynamics Control in the LCLS Injector e-Beam

  Ariel Nause [1]  ,  Avraham Gover [1]  ,  Juhau Wu [2]  
[1] Tel Aviv University
[2] SLAC, Menlo Park, California

Coherent OTR measurements on the LCLS injector[1] drew interest in collective interaction micro-dynamics in e-beams. Studies of micro-bunching, based on 1D analytical model and 3-D simulations, suggested that the e-beam current-noise can be controlled and suppressed by collective interaction in a drift section[2,3]. This is expected to be expressed in the intensity and radiation pattern of measured COTR. We present preliminary results of beam dynamics simulation with GPT code and IMPACT-T code, together with COTR computations corresponding to recent COTR measurements on the LCLS injector. Based on the simulations we compare the OTR radiation pattern in the case of a random distribution beam (shot-noise dominated) to the case of spatially and temporally coherent beam modulation (pre-bunching) and to the case of a partially coherent beam emerging from a collective-interaction section. We discuss the effect of betatron motion on the beam dynamics in these cases.

1. D. Dowell, in Workshop FEL Frontiers, 2007, Elba, Italy,

2. A. Gover and E. Dyunin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 154801 (2009).

3. A. Nause, E. Dyunin, A. Gover, Journal of Applied Physics 107, 103101 (2010).