Quantum to classical transition in a superconducting Josephson phase circuit

  Ya'ara Rofe  ,  Yoni Shalibo, Ido Barth, Lazar Friedland and Nadav Katz  
Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University

Anharmonic oscillators exhibit a unique response to a negatively chirped drive, referred to as autoresonance or ladder climbing in the classical or quantum regimes, respectively. This typically involves a bifurcation of the oscillation amplitude depending both on the strength of the drive and on the system's anharmonicity. In this parameter space, the threshold of bifurcation is expected to show a clear transition between the quantum and classical regimes.
Previous attempts to experimentally map this transition have only been possible in either classical or quantum conditions. Superconducting Josephson phase circuits enable us to map these two regimes, including the intermediate regime, due to their tunable anharmonicity.
We show a measurement of the bifurcation phenomena in this system over a large parameter space where the expected transition is observed and additional parameters of the transition are extracted. We compare the results to numerical simulations and to theoretical analysis.