Quantum transport phenomenona in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface

  M. Ben Shalom  ,  D. Rakhmilevitch, M. Sachs, A. Ron, A. Palevski, and Y. Dagan  
Tel-Aviv University, School of Physics and Astronomy

Hetero-interfaces of perovskite oxides are widely studied owing to the rich electronic phases established in these systems. One of the most studied systems in this field is the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface. Here, a quasi-two-dimensional electron gas (Q2DEG) is formed, and a tunable superconducting ground-state emerges below 300mK. Recently, we were able to revile significant spin-orbit interaction, that effects the Q2DEG properties and can be tuned together with superconductivity by applying gate voltage. In addition, observation of quantum magnetic oscillations, week localization, and universal conductance fluctuations at low temperatures and high magnetic fields provide deep insight into the electronic properties of the system. These observations, presented here for the first time, will be discussed together with the new open questions that arise from the data.