2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
The production of quantum entangled states of many particles is essential for the advancement of quantum information technology. Photons are among the most promising realizations for quantum bits (qubits). Currently, entangled states of only six photons have been demonstrated due to the elaborated setups required and the low rates of state production. We propose and experimentally demonstrate a scheme to produce multi-photon states that requires a modest number of elements. In addition, after the successful demonstration of production of four-photon entanglement, our scheme can in principle generate entanglement of any number of photons without any change in its configuration. The difference between our scheme and the previous ones is the use of many temporal modes instead of many spatial modes for the generated photons. We will present the scheme, its strengths and weaknesses. The various difficulties to realize such a setup will be presented, as well as some preliminary results that verify the current entanglement quality that this system produces.