Topological insulators and Low Dimension Systems

Chair Information
Haim Beidenkopf
Chairman details: 
The Weizmann Institute
Jean Goldwurm 3D Visualization Theater (4)
Program start time: 
Program end time: 

Lectures for this program:

Lecture Time Speaker Lecture subject
14:00-14:24 Avishai Benyamini [1] Real-Space Tailoring of the Electron-Phonon Coupling in Ultra-Clean Nanotube Mechanical Resonators
14:24-14:36 Hiroyuki Inoue Proliferation of upstream neutral modes in the fractional quantum Hall regime
The fractional quantum Hall effects (FQHE) provide canonical examples of topological phases of matter, which are correla...
14:36-14:48 Anna Grivnin Controlling upstream neutral modes and edge reconstruction
Edge channels at ν=2/3 of the fractional quantum Hall effect are predicted to exhibit edge reconstruction [1], and thus...
14:48-15:12 Dganit Meidan Scattering formula for the topological index of interacting multi-channel wires
We construct a scattering matrix formulation for the topological index of interacting fermions in one dimension.
15:12-15:24 Eyal Cornfeld Universal Conductance and Non-Universal Noise in Fractional Helical Wires
Similar to clean quantum wires with adiabatic contacts, partially gapped quantum wires exhibit quantized conductance
15:24-15:36 Maciej Koch-Janusz Interacting and fractional topological insulators via the $Z_2$ chiral anomaly.
Recently it was shown that the topological properties of $2D$ and $3D$ topological insulators are captured by a $Z_2$ ch...