The IPS Conference 2013 Prize

The IPS prize for a young researcher is divided between:


  1. An experimentalist: Nadav Katz (HUJI), for his achievements in the area of quantum coherent devices, in particular, the study of the interaction with environment and loss of coherence in Josephson junctions, and
  2. A theorist, Zohar Komargodski (Weizmann), his achievements in the area of quantum field theory, and, in particular, the study of the renormalization group flow in four dimensions. 

The award of 10,000 NIS will be divided among them.


There are two IPS prizes for PhD students one for an experimentalist and one for a theorist:


  1. The experimental prize went this year to Shurik Yatom (Technion) for his work on nanosecond electric discharge in pressurized gases.
  2. The theory prize went to Amir Bashan (BIU) for his work on networks, with many application in physics and in other areas, such as physiology. 

Each of the awards carries a prize of 5000 NIS.




make sure to link to here from the main prizes page