Complexity in Dynamical systems

Chair Information
Arik Yochelis

Gabriel Seiden - invited


Lectures for this program:

Lecture Time Speaker Lecture subject
16:30-17:00 (invited) Gabriel Seiden The tongue as an excitable medium
Geographic tongue (GT) is a medical condition affecting approximately 2% of the population, whereby the papillae coverin...
17:00-17:15 Golan Bel [1] Effects of quenched disorder on critical transitions in pattern-forming systems
Critical transitions are of great interest to scientists in many fields. Most knowledge about these transitions comes fr...
17:15-17:30 Shay Be'er Against all odds: how a stochastic population colonizes a territory at low immigration rates
We investigate theoretically the dynamics of colonization of a territory by a population of individuals which exhibit ra...
17:30-17:45 Yuval Zelnik [1] Competing Turing Mechanisms in Dryland Pattern Forming Systems
We use the context of dryland vegetation to study a general problem of complex pattern forming systems - multiple patter...
17:45-18:00 Yoav Green Concentration Polarization and Electroconvection in a Nanochannel Array System
The passage of an electric current through a permselective medium (membranes/nanochannels) under an applied electric fie...