2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
Presenter | Institute | Title | Submission category |
Yuval Vardi Avraham Guttman |
Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute o... | Random Telegraph Signal in a Metallic Double-Dot System | CondMat |
Jorge Berger | Department of Physics and Optical Engineering, Ort-Braude Co... | Flux-induced Nernst effect in a superconducting loop | CondMat |
Lee Yacobi | Technion | ISS-Lobster / GTM | Astro |
A. Pick [1] A. Cerjan [2] |
Department of Physics,... |
Multimode laser-linewidth theory for complex wavelength-scale laser cavities | QM |
Geva Arwas Amichay Vardi |
Ben-Gurion University | Superfluidity and Chaos | QM |
Shuyu Zhou Julien Chabe |
Department of Physics, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev | Phase space tomography of cold-atom dynamics in a weakly corrugated potential | QM |
Baruch Barzel | Bar Ilan University | Peeking Into the Black Box: Reverse Engineering the Dynamics of Complex Systems | NLD |
Nathaniel Wagner Lilia Vasilkovsky |
Dept. of Chemistry... |
Modeling Circadian Clocks using Catalytic Networks | NLD |
Tamir Admon Yael Roichman |
Department of physical chemistry, Tel Aviv university | Information Machine | QM |
Harel Nagar Yael Roichman |
Department of physical chemistry Tel aviv univesity | Collective excitations of hydrodynamically coupled driven colloidal particles | StatMech |
Sigal Wolf [1] Itamar Rosenberg [1] |
The Racah Institute of... |
Proposal for plasmonically-enhanced optical spin readout of Nitrogen-Vacancy centers in diamond | Applied Physics |
Yair Kurzweil [1] Sylvian Kahane [1] |
Physics Department, Nuclear Research Center-Negev, POB 9001,... | The effect of ion-ion correlation on the atomic energy levels and absorption of radiation in dense plasmas | Plasma and Fluids |
Dimitry Mikitchuk [1] Eyal Kroupp [1] |
Weizmann Institute of S... |
The effects of preembedded axial magnetic field on z-pinch plasma implosion | Plasma and Fluids |
David Rakhmilevitch [1] Richard Koryta'r [2] |
Department of Chemical... |
Electron-vibration interaction in presence of a switchable Kondo resonance | QM |
Shay Keren-Zur Nadav Segal |
Tel Aviv University | Construction of functional nonlinear optical metamaterials | QM |
Maoz Shamir | Ben Gurion University | Balancing feed-forward excitation and inhibition via inhibitory spike timing dependent plasticity | StatMech |
Ran Vardimon Tamar Yelin |
Department of Chemical... |
Probing the orbital origin of conductance oscillations in atomic chains | CondMat |
Ofir Shein Ran Vardimon |
Weizmann Institute of Science | Local heating in atomic gold junctions at cryogenic temperature | CondMat |
Erez Aghion | Department of Physics, Faculty of Exact Sciences, Bar-Ilan U... | Excursions, Meanders and Bridges for cold atoms and more | StatMech |
Y. Schlussel [1] A. Waxman [1] |
Department of Physics,... |
Diamond Magnetometry of Superconducting Thin Films | QM |
Amir Broide [1,2] Itzhak Halevy [1,2] |
Dept. of physics, NRCN,... |
Neutrons High Pressure crystallographic structure and magnetic Study of the Fe-Cr-Hx Phase Diagram. | CondMat |
Itamar Shani [1] Tsevi Beatus [2] |
Department of Materials... |
Correlations screening, pairing direction switching, and rotation reversal due to attractive forces of microfluidic droplets | NLD |
A. Hen [1,2] E. Colineau [1] |
European Commission, Jo... |
Crystallographic, electronic and magnetic properties of Np2Ni17. | CondMat |
Omer Amit | Physics Department - Ben-Gurion University | Normalized Measurement of the Clock-States in Rb87. | QM |
Ofir Flom Haggai Zilberbeg |
Ariel University | Tunneling as a Source for Quantum Chaos | QM |
Asaf Farhi David J. Bergman |
Tel Aviv University | Analysis of a Veselago lens in the quasistatic regime | QM |
Tomer Shushi [1] | University of Haifa | The Connection between Quantum and Classical Physics: The Measurement Device's Viewpoint | QM |
Ben Bar-Or Tal Alexander |
Weizmann institute of science | The statistical mechanics of relativistic orbits around a massive black hole | Plenary |
Yuval Vardi Avraham Guttman |
Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute o... | Random Telegraph Signal in a Metallic Double-Dot System | CondMat |
Robert Englman | Soreq NRC and Ariel University | An "unreasonable effectiveness" of Hilbert transform for the transmission phase behavior in a quantum dot two-path interferometer. | CondMat |
Sela Samin [1] Manuela Hod [1] |
Department of Chemical Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of... | Stabilization of Colloids by Addition of Salt | StatMech |
Yevgeni Estrin Dan Rich |
Department of Physics and The Ilse Katz Institute for Nanosc... | Temperature dependence of the exciton-surface plasmon polariton coupling in Ag, Au, and Al films deposited on the surface of InGaN/GaN quantum wells | CondMat |
Demitry Farfurnik [1] Andrejs Jarmola [2] |
The Racah Institute of... |
Optimizing a Dynamical Decoupling Protocol for Nitrogen-Vacancy Center Ensembles | QM |
Sivan Trajtenberg-Mills Ana Libster-Hershko |
"Tel Aviv University" | Dynamic Control of Light Beams in a Quadratic Nonlinear Process | QM |
Eran Sagi [1] Yuval Oreg [1] |
Department of Condensed... |
Imprint of topological degeneracy in quasi-one-dimensional fractional quantum Hall states | CondMat |
Ronen Berkovich [1,2] Rodolfo I. Hermans [2,3] |
Department of Chemical-... |
Force application effects on the internal-diffusion of a tethered protein | QM |
Yaakov Shaked Shai Yefet |
Department of physics and BINA Center of nano-technology, Ba... | A Prism-pair with Negative Separation for Dispersion Compensation of Ultra Broadband Bi-photons Over a Full Octave | QM |
Maayan Shalom Yael Roichman |
Department of Physical Chemistry, Tel Aviv University | Microrheology of hydrogels based composites with an internal stress-release mechanism | Computational Physics |
Nezah Balal Eyal Magori |
Ariel University | Design of a Permanent Magnet Wiggler for a THz Free Electron Laser | QM |
Ben Ohayon Guy Ron |
Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University. | Towards the Trapping of Metastable Neon | QM |
Asaf Azuri [1] Eli Pollak [1] |
Chemical Physics Department, Weizmann Institute of Science,... | First principles based computations of the scattering of Ar from a room temperature LiF(100) surface {1} | Computational Physics |
Lenin S. Shagolsem Yitzhak Rabin |
Department of Physics,... |
Statistical Physics of the 'All Particles are Different' model | StatMech |
Elad Eizner Tal Ellenbogen |
Department of Physical Electronics, School of Electrical Eng... | Coupling light to strongly coupled exciton-surface plasmons polaritons by nanoantennas | QM |
David Rakhmilevitch [1] Soumyajit Sarkar [2] |
Department of chemical... |
Conjugated molecules as amplifiers of anisotropic magneto-resistance in molecular junctions | CondMat |
Tzipora Y. Izraeli [1] Ziv Even Zur [2] |
Faculty of Physics, Tec... |
Modeling of MOS Capacitors with Metal Nanoparticles | CondMat |
Uri Argaman [1] Eitan Eidelstein [2] |
Materials Engineering D... |
Thermodynamic properties of titanium from ab-initio calculations | CondMat |
Eliahu Cohen [1] Yakir Aharonov [1,2] |
Tel Aviv University... |
Theoretical and Experimental Aspects of Quantum Protective Measurement | QM |
Yuval Shagam Ayelet Klein |
Department of Chemical Physics, Weizmann Institute of Scienc... | Direct observation of universal Langevin rates in strongly anisotropic neutral-neutral reactions down to the quantum threshold | QM |
Igor Kuzmenko Tetyana Kuzmenko |
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel | Carbon Nanotube Quantum Dot: Realization of Two-Channel Kondo Effect | CondMat |
Yoav Romach | The Racah Institute of Physics, The Center for Nanoscience a... | Spectroscopy of surface-induced magnetic noise using shallow spins in diamond | CondMat |
Erez N Ribak Amichai M Labin |
Technion | Color separation in the retina | StatMech |
E. Schleifer, M. Botton, A. Zigler | Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusal... | Enhanced Proton Acceleration by an Ultrashort Laser with Structured Dynamic Plasma Targets | QM |