IPS Conference 2014 - Meeting Posters

Presenter Institute Title Submission category
Yuval Vardi
Avraham Guttman
Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute o... Random Telegraph Signal in a Metallic Double-Dot System CondMat
Jorge Berger Department of Physics and Optical Engineering, Ort-Braude Co... Flux-induced Nernst effect in a superconducting loop CondMat
Lee Yacobi Technion ISS-Lobster / GTM Astro
A. Pick [1]
A. Cerjan [2]
Department of Physics,...
Multimode laser-linewidth theory for complex wavelength-scale laser cavities QM
Geva Arwas
Amichay Vardi
Ben-Gurion University Superfluidity and Chaos QM
Shuyu Zhou
Julien Chabe
Department of Physics, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Phase space tomography of cold-atom dynamics in a weakly corrugated potential QM
Baruch Barzel Bar Ilan University Peeking Into the Black Box: Reverse Engineering the Dynamics of Complex Systems NLD
Nathaniel Wagner
Lilia Vasilkovsky
Dept. of Chemistry...
Modeling Circadian Clocks using Catalytic Networks NLD
Tamir Admon
Yael Roichman
Department of physical chemistry, Tel Aviv university Information Machine QM
Harel Nagar
Yael Roichman
Department of physical chemistry Tel aviv univesity Collective excitations of hydrodynamically coupled driven colloidal particles StatMech
Sigal Wolf [1]
Itamar Rosenberg [1]
The Racah Institute of...
Proposal for plasmonically-enhanced optical spin readout of Nitrogen-Vacancy centers in diamond Applied Physics
Yair Kurzweil [1]
Sylvian Kahane [1]
Physics Department, Nuclear Research Center-Negev, POB 9001,... The effect of ion-ion correlation on the atomic energy levels and absorption of radiation in dense plasmas Plasma and Fluids
Dimitry Mikitchuk [1]
Eyal Kroupp [1]
Weizmann Institute of S...
The effects of preembedded axial magnetic field on z-pinch plasma implosion Plasma and Fluids
David Rakhmilevitch [1]
Richard Koryta'r [2]
Department of Chemical...
Electron-vibration interaction in presence of a switchable Kondo resonance QM
Shay Keren-Zur
Nadav Segal
Tel Aviv University Construction of functional nonlinear optical metamaterials QM
Maoz Shamir Ben Gurion University Balancing feed-forward excitation and inhibition via inhibitory spike timing dependent plasticity StatMech
Ran Vardimon
Tamar Yelin
Department of Chemical...
Probing the orbital origin of conductance oscillations in atomic chains CondMat
Ofir Shein
Ran Vardimon
Weizmann Institute of Science Local heating in atomic gold junctions at cryogenic temperature CondMat
Erez Aghion Department of Physics, Faculty of Exact Sciences, Bar-Ilan U... Excursions, Meanders and Bridges for cold atoms and more StatMech
Y. Schlussel [1]
A. Waxman [1]
Department of Physics,...
Diamond Magnetometry of Superconducting Thin Films QM
Amir Broide [1,2]
Itzhak Halevy [1,2]
Dept. of physics, NRCN,...
Neutrons High Pressure crystallographic structure and magnetic Study of the Fe-Cr-Hx Phase Diagram. CondMat
Itamar Shani [1]
Tsevi Beatus [2]
Department of Materials...
Correlations screening, pairing direction switching, and rotation reversal due to attractive forces of microfluidic droplets NLD
A. Hen [1,2]
E. Colineau [1]
European Commission, Jo...
Crystallographic, electronic and magnetic properties of Np2Ni17. CondMat
Omer Amit Physics Department - Ben-Gurion University Normalized Measurement of the Clock-States in Rb87. QM
Ofir Flom
Haggai Zilberbeg
Ariel University Tunneling as a Source for Quantum ‎Chaos QM
Asaf Farhi
David J. Bergman
Tel Aviv University Analysis of a Veselago lens in the quasistatic regime QM
Tomer Shushi [1] University of Haifa The Connection between Quantum and Classical Physics: The Measurement Device's Viewpoint QM
Ben Bar-Or
Tal Alexander
Weizmann institute of science The statistical mechanics of relativistic orbits around a massive black hole Plenary
Yuval Vardi
Avraham Guttman
Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute o... Random Telegraph Signal in a Metallic Double-Dot System CondMat
Robert Englman Soreq NRC and Ariel University An "unreasonable effectiveness" of Hilbert transform for the transmission phase behavior in a quantum dot two-path interferometer. CondMat
Sela Samin [1]
Manuela Hod [1]
Department of Chemical Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of... Stabilization of Colloids by Addition of Salt StatMech
Yevgeni Estrin
Dan Rich
Department of Physics and The Ilse Katz Institute for Nanosc... Temperature dependence of the exciton-surface plasmon polariton coupling in Ag, Au, and Al films deposited on the surface of InGaN/GaN quantum wells CondMat
Demitry Farfurnik [1]
Andrejs Jarmola [2]
The Racah Institute of...
Optimizing a Dynamical Decoupling Protocol for Nitrogen-Vacancy Center Ensembles QM
Sivan Trajtenberg-Mills
Ana Libster-Hershko
"Tel Aviv University" Dynamic Control of Light Beams in a Quadratic Nonlinear Process QM
Eran Sagi [1]
Yuval Oreg [1]
Department of Condensed...
Imprint of topological degeneracy in quasi-one-dimensional fractional quantum Hall states CondMat
Ronen Berkovich [1,2]
Rodolfo I. Hermans [2,3]
Department of Chemical-...
Force application effects on the internal-diffusion of a tethered protein QM
Yaakov Shaked
Shai Yefet
Department of physics and BINA Center of nano-technology, Ba... A Prism-pair with Negative Separation for Dispersion Compensation of Ultra Broadband Bi-photons Over a Full Octave QM
Maayan Shalom
Yael Roichman
Department of Physical Chemistry, Tel Aviv University Microrheology of hydrogels based composites with an internal stress-release mechanism Computational Physics
Nezah Balal
Eyal Magori
Ariel University Design of a Permanent Magnet ‎Wiggler for a THz Free Electron Laser QM
Ben Ohayon
Guy Ron
Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University. Towards the Trapping of Metastable Neon QM
Asaf Azuri [1]
Eli Pollak [1]
Chemical Physics Department, Weizmann Institute of Science,... First principles based computations of the scattering of Ar from a room temperature LiF(100) surface {1} Computational Physics
Lenin S. Shagolsem
Yitzhak Rabin
Department of Physics,...
Statistical Physics of the 'All Particles are Different' model StatMech
Elad Eizner
Tal Ellenbogen
Department of Physical Electronics, School of Electrical Eng... Coupling light to strongly coupled exciton-surface plasmons polaritons by nanoantennas QM
David Rakhmilevitch [1]
Soumyajit Sarkar [2]
Department of chemical...
Conjugated molecules as amplifiers of anisotropic magneto-resistance in molecular junctions CondMat
Tzipora Y. Izraeli [1]
Ziv Even Zur [2]
Faculty of Physics, Tec...
Modeling of MOS Capacitors with Metal Nanoparticles CondMat
Uri Argaman [1]
Eitan Eidelstein [2]
Materials Engineering D...
Thermodynamic properties of titanium from ab-initio calculations CondMat
Eliahu Cohen [1]
Yakir Aharonov [1,2]
Tel Aviv University...
Theoretical and Experimental Aspects of Quantum Protective Measurement QM
Yuval Shagam
Ayelet Klein
Department of Chemical Physics, Weizmann Institute of Scienc... Direct observation of universal Langevin rates in strongly anisotropic neutral-neutral reactions down to the quantum threshold QM
Igor Kuzmenko
Tetyana Kuzmenko
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel Carbon Nanotube Quantum Dot: Realization of Two-Channel Kondo Effect CondMat
Yoav Romach The Racah Institute of Physics, The Center for Nanoscience a... Spectroscopy of surface-induced magnetic noise using shallow spins in diamond CondMat
Erez N Ribak
Amichai M Labin
Technion Color separation in the retina StatMech
E. Schleifer, M. Botton, A. Zigler Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusal... Enhanced Proton Acceleration by an Ultrashort Laser with Structured Dynamic Plasma Targets QM