Atomic, Molecular and Optical

Chair Information
Yaron Bromberg
Sprinzak 115
Program start time: 
Program end time: 

Lectures for this program:

Lecture Time Speaker Lecture subject
14:00-14:30 Ofer Firstenberg Room-temperature quantum memories - from nanoseconds to hours
We explore new schemes for quantum memories in warm alkali vapor. A fast ladder-type memory (FLAME) is realized by map...
14:30-14:45 Ran Fischer Spin detection with a micromechanical trampoline: Towards magnetic resonance microscopy harnessing cavity optomechanics
We explore prospects and benefits of combining the techniques of cavity optomechanics with efforts to image spins using...
14:45-15:00 Yuval Rosenberg [1] Light at the horizon
The theory of Hawking radiation can be tested in laboratory analogues of black holes. Recently, we have used light pulse...
15:00-15:15 Ben Ohayon Isotope shifts in neon: precision measurements and global analysis
We report new precision measurements of isotope shifts for a multitude of transitions in 20,22Ne isotopes.
15:15-15:30 Yaakov Yudkin Observation of a coherent superposition of Feshbach dimers and Efimov trimers
In the domain of quantum few-body physics, peculiar loosely bound states can form. Two prominent examples are Feshbach d...