High Energy (theory) B

Chair Information
Michael Smolkin
Sprinzak 102
Program start time: 
Program end time: 

Lectures for this program:

Lecture Time Speaker Lecture subject
15:45-16:00 Michael Kroyter A simple approach towards the sign problem using path optimisation
Lattice Monte Carlo evaluation of systems with non-real action (e.g.
16:00-16:15 Karthik Inbasekar Correlation functions in supersymmetric Chern-Simons matter theories at large N
In U(N) Chern-Simons matter theories coupled to fundamental matter, physical observables can be computed exactly to all...
16:15-16:30 SUBHAJIT MAZUMDAR Kite diagram through Symmetries of Feynman Integrals.
The Symmetries of Feynman Integrals (SFI) is a method for evaluating Feynman Integrals which exposes a novel continuous...
16:30-16:45 Tuna Demircik [1] Nonlinear chiral transport phenomena and holography: From gradient expansion to gradient resummation
Nonlinear transport phenomena induced by the chiral anomaly are explored within a 4D field theory defined holographicall...
16:45-17:00 Tom Levy Higher-dimensional Liouville Field Theories
Two-dimensional Liouville conformal field theory has been a subject of much investigation since its first appearance in...
17:00-17:15 Michael Suleymanov Wigner - Weyl formalism and the propagator of Wilson fermions in the presence of varying external electromagnetic field
We develop Wigner - Weyl formalism for the lattice models. For the definiteness we consider Wilson fermions in the prese...