Rosh Electroptics

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Rosh Electroptics

By an upstanding service and a carefully selected list of top notch manufacturers, “Rosh Electroptics” has spent over 30 years, leading Israel’s electro optic market to its next level!

Representing an ever-growing list of quality products, including:

  • Optics (for all wavelengths and substrates)
  • Optical Tables
  • Opto-Mechanics components
  • Integration Spheres
  • Light sources (for Microscopy with long life time, Lasers, LED, LD and so on..)
  • Microscopy & Light Analysis Systems
  • Safety Equipment (all EN207 & EN208 approvals)
  • Cameras – scientific & surveillance
  • Light Measurements Systems – Spectrometers, Monochromators, power meters.
  • Motion Control – manual & motorized systems

Among many other products and fields, from manufacturers such as:

  • Thorlabs
  • Prophotonix
  • Altechna
  • Avantes
  • Yamamoto
  • Lumencor
  • Lab Sphere
  • Inrad Optics
  • RPO- Rochester Precision Optics
  • Raptor Photonics
  • Kentek
  • Codixx

And many more . . .  -:)