
Chair Information
Nirit Dudovich
Chairman details: 
The Weizmann Institute
Feinberg Graduate School, classroom 2 (8)
Program start time: 
Program end time: 

Lectures for this program:

Lecture Time Speaker Lecture subject
Oren Cohen Does high harmonic generation conserve angular momentum?
High harmonic generation (HHG) is a unique and useful process in which infrared or visible radiation is frequency up-con...
Stanislav Derevyanko Thermalization in a discrete optical waveguide system with four-wave mixing
Statistical mechanics of two coupled vector fields is studied in the tight-binding model that describes propagation of p...
Shai Yefet Semiconductor Based Mode-locked laser with Spatially Dispersed Gain
We demonstrate a semiconductor based, both actively and passively mode-locked laser, generating ps scale pulses at low r...
Micha Nixon [1] Real-time wavefront shaping through scattering media by all-optical feedback
Controlling light through dynamically varying heterogeneous media is a sought-after goal with important applicat
Idan Mishlovsky [1] Studies of Light Scattering from the Retina.
In vertebrate eyes, the retina is structured from layers of cells organized in a specific and apparent “reverse” order.
David Mermelstien What happens to low (<MHz) and high (>GHz) modulated Stokes signals in a Brillouin dispersive medium ?
We investigate both theoretically and experimentally the effects of Brillouin-induced dispersion on modulated Stokes lig...
Oren Lahav Long-Lived Atmospheric Waveguides by Laser Filamentation
Propagation of self-guided laser filaments through air and other gases results in a rich variety of phenomena and applic...