Quantum (photonics)

Chair Information
Oren Cohen

Lectures for this program:

Lecture Time Speaker Lecture subject
16:30-17:00 (invited) Barak Dayan Controlling Light with Light: Demonstration of Deterministic Photon-Photon Interactions
Achieving optical nonlinear interactions at the level of single photons has been the goal of extensive efforts in the la...
17:00-17:15 Itai Epstein [1] Generation of Paraxial and Non-paraxial Self-accelerating Plasmonic Light Beams
Self-accelerating beams, i.e.
17:15-17:30 Moshe G. Harats [1] Quantitative angle-resolved small-spot reflectance measurements on plasmonic perfect absorbers: impedance matching and disorder effects
Plasmonic devices with absorbance close to unity have emerged as essential building blocks for a multitude of technologi...
17:30-17:45 Chene Tradonsky The use of second harmonics in phase locked laser arrays.
Phase locked laser arrays, where all the lasers have a common frequency and a constant phase difference relative to each...
17:45-18:00 Ido Kaminer [1] Quantum Cherenkov Radiation from Electron Vortex Beams
Abstract: Using quantum field theory, we calculate Čerenkov radiation from an electron with a vortex-shape wavefunction.