2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
Session / Category / Sub-Categories | Chairperson |
Plenary -- Plenary lecture | Prof. Tomer Volansky |
Review -- High energy and Astrophysics, Quantum and Solid state physics, Statistical, Soft Matter and Biophysics | Prof. Gilad Perez Prof. Roy Beck Prof. Ora Entin |
HEP -- High energy phenomenology, High energy experiment, High energy theory | Prof. Jacob Sonnenschein Dr. Kfir Blum Prof. Abner Soffer |
Nuclear Physics -- | Dr. Ishay Pomerantz |
Condensed Matter -- Topological phases and excitations, Strongly correlated electronic systems, Superconductivity and magnetism, Material physics and nanophysics, Computational Physics | Prof. Netanel Lindner |
Photonics and Optics -- | Prof. Avi Zadok |
AMO and Cold Atoms -- Atomic and molecular physics, Ultracold atoms and molecules | Dr. Yoav Sagi |
Astro -- Astrophysics, Cosmology | Prof. Dan Maoz |
Plasma and Fluids -- Plasma and Fluids | Dr. Gilad Marcus Prof. Yakov Krasik |
Soft Matter, Biophysics and Nonlinear Physics -- Nonlinear Physics, Biophysics, Soft Matter | Prof. Eran Sahron 0 Eilon Sherman |
Quantum Information and Quantum Optics -- | Prof. Avi Pe'er |
Physics in the Industry -- Applied physics, Physics in industry | Mr. Ron Naftali |
Nano Physics -- | Prof. Guy Bartal |
Statistical and Non-equilibrium Physics -- Complex sytems, Non-linear physics | Prof. Baruch Meerson |
Material Physics -- | Prof. Guy Makov |