Photonics and Optics

Chair Information
Avi Zadok
Melamed Auditorium

Lectures for this program:

Lecture Time Speaker Lecture subject
14:15-14:45 (invited) Nirit Dudovich New frontiers in Attosecond Science
Attosecond science is a young field of research that has rapidly evolved over the past decade. Performing time-resolved...
14:45-15:00 Hanan Herzig Sheinfux Observation of Anderson localization in disordered nanophotonic structures
Anderson localization is an interference effect pivotal to the understanding of waves in disordered media.
15:00-15:15 Chene Tradonsky Rapid inverse problem solutions with a digital degenerate cavity laser
15:15-15:30 Alexander Palatnik Organic VCSEL with monolayer gain
Here we show lasing from a monolayer VCSEL using a single molecule thick film of amphiphilic fluorescent dye1 as the gai...
15:30-15:45 Lior Michaeli [1,2] Nonlinear Rayleigh Anomaly and Surface Lattice Resonance in Split Ring Resonator Arrays
Artificial structural nonlinearity of metallic nanoparticles has been shown recen