Mathematical Physics B

Chair Information
Jonathan Breuer
Sprinzak 201
Program start time: 
Program end time: 

Lectures for this program:

Lecture Time Speaker Lecture subject
15:45-16:10 Michael Twiton A Dynamical Systems Approach to the Fourth Painlevé Equation
We use methods from dynamical systems in order to study the fourth Painlevé equation PⅣ. Our starting point is the symme...
16:15-16:40 Lawrence Horwitz An elementary canonical classical and quantum dynamics for general relativity
A consistent canonical classical and quantum dynamics in the framework of special relativity was formulated by Stueckelb...
16:45-17:10 Lawrence Horwitz [1] An underlying geometrical manifold for Hamiltonian mechanics
We show that there exists an underlying manifold with a conformal metric and compatible connection form, and a metric ty...