Applied Physics

Chair Information
Zvi Rosenstock
Ullmann building (303)
Program start time: 
Program end time: 

Lectures for this program:

Lecture Time Speaker Lecture subject
15:30-15:45 G. Bachar, I. Baskin, O. Shtempeluk, E. Buks Towards single photon detector with almost unity quantum efficiency
We present a novel design of a superconducting nano-wire single photon detector (SNSPD).
15:45-16:00 Ran Fischer [1] Dynamic nuclear polarization of ensemble of nuclear spins in diamond
Nuclear spins are a natural choice for various applications requiring long relaxation times, due to their highly localiz...
16:00-16:12 Gabriel Zeltzer [1] Magnetic Bit Patterned Media Fabrication Using Block Copolymer Directed Assembly By Rotary Stage Ebeam Lithography
Magnetic Bit Patterned Media Fabrication Using Block Copolymer Directed Assembly By Rotary Stage Lithography
16:12-16:24 Shlomi Zilberman [1,2] Fiber Evanescent Wave Spectroscopy of Sub-Surface Burning Layers of Solid Propellants
Rocket propulsion technology relies on extensive knowledge and understanding of the combustion properties of propellants...
16:24-16:36 Avihai Akram[1,2] Down-conversion detection in 300 GHz radiation using Glow Discharge Detector (GDD)
16:36-16:48 Y. Pinhasi EHF for Satellite Communications: The New Broadband Frontier
The exploitation of extremely high-frequency (EHF) bands (30-300 GHz) for broadband transmission over satellite links is...
16:48-17:00 "Yoad Yagil" Multi energy CT – an overview
Computed Tomography is a well established technology which is extensively used in day to day medicine.