2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
Presenter | Institute | Title | Submission category |
Meni Shay [1] Amit Keren [2] |
Ort Braude College... |
Raman Scattering in CLBLCO - an analogue to the Isotope effect | Correlated electron and boson systems |
Amir Waxman | Physics department Ben Gurion University | Diamond NV center magnetometry | Applied Physics |
Ephraim Shamoon [1] Gershon Kurizki [1] |
Weizmann Institute of S... |
Strongly interacting photons in hollow-core waveguides | Ultracold atoms and molecules |
Amir Levy [1] David Andelman [1] |
Raymond and Beverly Sac... |
Dielectric Constant of Ionic solutions: A Field Theory Approach | Material Physics |
Christine Khripkov [1] Amichay Vardi [1] |
Department of Chemistry, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev,... | QUANTUM ZENO CONTROL OF COHERENT DISSOCIATION | Ultracold atoms and molecules |
Vadim Puller [1] F. Pistolesi [1] |
Laboratoire Ondes et Ma... |
Single molecule detection of nanomechanical motion | Correlated electron and boson systems |
Eli Flaxer | AFEKA - Tel-Aviv Academic College of Engineering | Fast Mass Programming Controller for Supper Sonic Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometer | Applied Physics |
Erez Zohar [1] Benni Reznik [1] |
Tel Aviv University | Confinement and lattice QED electric flux-tubes simulated with ultracold atoms | Ultracold atoms and molecules |
Eli Flaxer | AFEKA - Tel-Aviv Academic College of Engineering | Fast Mass Programming Controller for Supper Sonic Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometer | Applied Physics |
Adi Pick [1] Michael Gullans [1] |
Harvard University... |
Cooling Nuclear Spins in Diamond via Dark State Spectroscopy | Optics |
Yoni Shalibo Roy Resh |
Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University | Wigner Tomography of Classical and Non-Classical States in a Superconducting Anharmonic Oscillator | Optics |
Yaron Gross Merav Dolev |
Braun Center for Submicron Research, Dept. of Condensed Matt... | Upstream neutral modes in the fractional quantum Hall effect regime: heat waves or coherent dipoles | Topological phases and excitations |
Amir Erez [1] Yigal Meir [1] |
Ben Gurion University of the Negev | How to measure the spatial characteristics of the Kosterlitz- Thouless transition in disordered systems ? | Correlated electron and boson systems |
Ido Barth Lazar Friedland |
Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem,... | Control of Multi-levels Systems by Chirping | Optics |
Jorge Berger | Department of Physics and Optical Engineering, Ort-Braude Co... | Fluctuation Current in Superconducting Loops | Computational Physics |
Miron Ya. Amusia [1, 2] Larissa V. Chernysheva [2] |
Racah Institute of Phys... |
Confinement and correlation effects in the Xe@C60 generalized oscillator strengths | Correlated electron and boson systems |
Eilon Poem Yehonatan Gilead |
Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute... | Two Photon Path-Entangled States in Multimode Waveguides | Optics |
Miron Ya. Amusia [1, 2] Larissa V. Chernysheva [2] |
Racah Institute of Phys... |
Reflection of inner shell resonances in the outer shell photoionization of endohedral atom Xe@C60 | Correlated electron and boson systems |
Rafi Milo | Elta IAI radars development | Absolure Time and Absolute Simultaneity | High Energy Physics |
Yaacov E. Kraus Zohar Ringle |
Weizmann Institute of Science | The strong side of weak topological insulators | Topological phases and excitations |
Eyal Dvash Boris Shapiro |
Department of Physics, Institute of Superconductivity, Bar-I... | Flux-Antiflux Instability in Channels | Correlated electron and boson systems |
S. Kallush [1] J. L. Carini [2] |
Department of Physics a... |
Quantum dynamical calculations of ultracold collisions induced by nonlinearly chirped light | Ultracold atoms and molecules |
L. Gilburd S. Efimov |
Technion | Modified wire array underwater electrical explosion | Plasma Physics |
Oren Raz Dan Oron |
"Weizmann Inst. of Science" | Vectorial Phase Retrieval: from lensless imaging to pulse characterization and back | Optics |
David Gelbwaser [1] Noam Erez [2] |
Weizmann Instituteo of... |
Quantum heat engine fueled by unread measurements | Disordered systems |
A. Auerbach [1] S. Capponi [2] |
Technion - Israel Insti... |
The spin-1/2 Kagome antiferromagnet: a study using contractor renormalisation | Correlated electron and boson systems |
Emil Weisz Hyungkook Choi |
Weizmann Institute of Science | Physics of an isolated electron puddle revealed via dephasing in thermal equilibrium | Topological phases and excitations |
Or Hen | Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel | Short Range Correlations and the EMC Effect | High Energy Physics |
Igor Korover |
Physics Department Tel... |
Experimental study of Short Range Correlations in nuclei | High Energy Physics |
Nimrod Bachar [1,2] Shachar Lerer [1] |
School of Physics and A... |
Negative Magnetoresistance at High Magnetic Fields in Granular Aluminum | Correlated electron and boson systems |
Alexander Pechen | Weizmann Institute of Science | Engineering arbitrary pure and mixed quantum states | Optics |
M. Einat A. Yahalom |
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty... | Induced static magnetic field by a cellular phone | Biophysics |
A. Yahalom | Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty... | Stability in the Weak Variational Principle of Barotropic Flows and Implications for Self-Gravitating Discs | Astrophysics |
K.Komoshvili J.Levitan |
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty... | Millimeter Waves Non-Thermal Effect on Human Lung Cancer Cells | Biophysics |
A. Yahalom | Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty... | Faster than Light Particles within the Frame Work of Relativity | High Energy Physics |
A. Yahalom M. Lewkowicz |
Department of Electrica... |
Uncertainty Relation for Chaos | Disordered systems |
Moran Yadid Amir Landesberg |
Yacov Kantor [1] Mohammad F. Maghrebi [2] |
Tel Aviv University... |
Entropic forces between polymers and scale-invariant surfaces | Review session: Soft Condensed Matter & Optics |
Jian-Hua Jiang | Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute o... | Non-Abelian states from k-space vortex | Topological phases and excitations |
Jian-Hua Jiang [1] Si Wu [2] |
Department of Condensed... |
Helical magnetic order at the edges/surfaces of topological insulators due to Fermi surface nesting | Topological phases and excitations |
Alex Kouniavsky Emil Polturak |
Physics, Technion | Simulation of shear elastic moduli of copper near surfaces | Computational Physics |
"Er'el Granot" "Eitam Luz" |
"Ariel University Center of Samaria" | Generic propagation dynamics of pulses with sharp-boundaries or singularities in dispersive media | Optics |
Eliyahu Shwartz Lev Khaykovich |
Physics department, Bar Ilan University | Transition between in-and anti-phase TE-TM mode dynamics in a semiconductor laser subject to external feedback. | Optics |
Roi Levy Yigal Meir |
Department of Physics, Ben Gurion University | Source of Dephasing in 2D Disordered Systems at Low Temperatures | Computational Physics |
Liat Rosenfeld [1] Sharon Yunger [2] |
The Department of Physi... |
The in vivo transcriptional kinetics of single alleles reveals promoter regulation during the cell cycle | Biophysics |
I. Halevy [1,2,3] A. Hen [2,4] |
Physics Department, Nuc... |
Structural, Electronic and Magnetic Characteristics of Np2Co17 | Material Physics |
Assaf Eitan [1] Ehud Behar [2] |
Technion ... |
X-ray absorption in high redshift quasars | Astrophysics |
Igor Yulevich Kobi Frischwasser |
Micro and Nanooptics Laboratory, Faculty of Mechanical Engin... | Rashba-Like Spin Degeneracy Breaking in Coupled Thermal Antenna Lattices | Optics |
N. Parkansky E. Faktorovich-Simon |
Tel Aviv University | Titanium Submerged Arc (SA) Breakdown of Methylene Blue (MB) in Aqueous Solutions | Astrophysics |
David Mermelstien Moran Biton |
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Ariel U... | Probing stimulated Brillouin scattering in an optical fiber using noise-correlation radar | Optics |
Shalom Bloch Alexander Lifshitz |
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Ariel U... | Transforming optical frequency changes to modulation-phase changes by Mutually Modulated Cross-Gain Modulation | Optics |
Yuval Yifat [1] Jacob Scheuer [1] |
Department of Physical Electronics, Tel Aviv University, | Slow light in Coupled VCSEL arrays | Optics |
Adar Sonn [1] Anne Bernheim [2] |
School of Chemistry, Te... |
Two point microrheology of 2D colloidal dispersions and actin netwroks | Review session: Soft Condensed Matter & Optics |
David Shwa Nadav Katz |
The Hebrew University | Adiabatic to non adiabatic transition in dynamical EIT | Ultracold atoms and molecules |
Nadav Priel Etai Nativ |
Weizmann Institute of Science | Current Challenges in Direct Detection of Dark Matter with XENON Experiment | High Energy Physics |
Yuval Shagam [1] Etay Lavert-Ofir [1] |
Department of Chemical Physics, Weizmann Institute of Scienc... | Towards density and phase space compression of atomic and molecular gases in static and dynamic electromagnetic traps | Ultracold atoms and molecules |
Yoav W. Windsor Alexander Gerber |
School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University | Dynamics of Successive Minor Loops | Review session: Condensed Matter |
D. Yuvaraj Gil Bachar |
Technion Israel Institute of Technology | Fabrication of Nb/Al(AlOx)/Nb DC SQUID by focused ion beam sculpturing | Applied Physics |
Barak Brez Sarah Cohen |
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Ariel... | Extending the ballistic regime of turbid media | Optics |
Eyal Schwartz Stephen G. Lipson |
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology | Concepts of Fourier transform spectroscopy using a Sagnac interferometer | Optics |
Ephraim Shamoon [1] Gershon Kurizki [1] |
Weizmann Institute of S... |
Strongly interacting photons in hollow-core waveguides | Optics |
Mor Verbin [1] Yaacov E. Kraus [2] |
Department of Physics o... |
Experimental Observations of Topological States and Adiabatic Pumping in Quasicrystals | Optics |
Liat Dovrat [1] Michael Bakstein [1] |
Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem,... | Direct measurement of the dependence of the photon-number distribution on the number of modes in parametric down-conversion | Optics |
Assaf Shaham Hagai Eisenberg |
Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusal... | Experimental study of the decoherence of biphoton qutrits | Optics |
E. Goldobin, D. Koelle, R. Kleiner R. G. Mints |
University of Tubingen... |
Josephson junction with magnetic-field tunable ground state | Applied Physics |
Dima Kalaev Ilan Riess |
Yaniv Kachlon Noa Kurzweil |
Department of Physics and Institute of Nanotechnology and Ad... | Perpendicular Anisotropic Magnetoresistance in Co/Pd Multilayers | Correlated electron and boson systems |
Erez Flekser [1] Moshe Ben Shalom [1] |
School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University | Mapping the anisotropic magnetoresistance of the interface between SrTiO3 and LaAlO3 | Review session: Condensed Matter |
Aielet Efrati | Weizmann Institute of Science | Asymmetric Higgsino Dark Matter | High Energy Physics |