Bridging partons and coupled-wire approaches to quantum spin liquids.

  Eyal Leviatan  ,  David F. Mross  
Weizmann Institute of Science


Quantum spin systems which avoid symmetry-breaking order, e.g., due to geometric frustration, can instead form so-called quantum spin liquids. These phases, characterized by fractional excitations and emergent gauge fields, are thought to be realized in an increasing number of quasi-two-dimensional materials. In my talk, I will show how a wide range of gapped as well as gapless spin liquids can be accessed by a generalization of the ‘coupled-wire’ technique. In particular, I will construct explicit Hamiltonians realizing these phases and show how this method allows transparent access to subtle questions regarding the emergent gauge field, such as confinement. I will compare and contrast this approach to the popular parton constructions, and highlight the respective advantages.