Chiral 2D Strange Metals from N = 4 Super Yang-Mills theory

  Prithvi Narayan  ,  Micha Berkooz  ,  Amir Zait  
Weizmann Institute of Science

Familiar field theories may contain closed subsectors made out of only fermions, which can be used to explore new and unusual phases of matter in lower dimensions. We focus on the fermionic su(1,1) sector in N=4 SYM and on its ground states, which are Fermi surface states/operators. By computing their spectrum to two loops in t'hooft coupling, we argue that fluctuations around this fermi surface, within the sector and in a specific limit are governed by a chiral 1+1 dimensional sector of the "strange metal" coset. On the gravity side, the conjectured dual configuration is a zero entropy degeneration of a fast rotating black hole.