Collapses and revivals of matter waves

  Hagar Veksler  ,  Shmuel Fishman  

Quantum collapses and revivals are fascinating manifestations of coherence. Of particular interest in recent years are macroscopic quantum interference effects in Bose-Einstein condensates. We studied such effects for the two site Bose-Hubbard model, and found an analytic expression for the difference in the occupation of the two sites. The result is valid for large number of particles and weak inter-particle interactions. This expression predicts the time scales of the dynamics and enables one to evaluate the shape of the revival peaks in absence of dissipation.

[1] Hagar Veksler and Shmuel Fishman, arXiv:1408.6492

[2]Hagar Veksler and Shmuel Fishman, arXiv:1409.5115