2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
We report the results of a study carried out on a neptunium-transition-metal binary compound Np2Ni17 that has been synthesized and characterized by means of Powder X-Ray Diffraction, Superconducting-Quantum-Interference-Device magnetometry (SQUID), 237Np Mössbauer spectroscopy (Fig. 1) and specific heat. Np2Ni17 is daughter compound of the recently reported[1] NpNi5 and is an analogue of the previously reported[2] Np2Co17, (both are Ferromagnetic compounds) like its analogue Np2Ni17 crystallized in the Th2Ni17 hexagonal structure (P63/mmc space group no. 194) with a room temperature lattice parameters a = 8.28215(7)Å and c = 8.04029(8)Å contain two non-equivalent Np sites. However unlike its analogue (and parent) Np2Ni17 exhibits an antiferromagnetic order below TN ~ 17.5 K with a complex low temperature magnetization curves. Mössbauer spectra below TN show two ordered Np sites, one with a huge ordered moment (μNp ~ 2.25 μB) and the other carry hardly any ordered moment at all (μNp ~ 0.2 μB). Specific heat measurements (CP) confirmed the onset of an antiferromagnetic order below TN as well as showing a complex low temperature curve with what might be a second phase transition below ~ 1 K.
[1] A. Hen et al PHYSICAL REVIEW B 90, 054408 (2014).
[2] I. Halevy et al PHYSICAL REVIEW B 85, 014434 (2012)