Damping of simple modes of high-energy nuclear exctations: dispersive optical models and their implementations

  Michael H. Urin  
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, 115409 Moscow, Russia

A brief description of the recently developed particle-hole dispersive optical model (PHDOM) [1] will be presented. Being a semi-microscopic model, the PHDOM is an extension of the standard and non-standard versions of the continuum-RPA on taking the spreading effect into account. The latter is described phenomenologically and in average over the energy in terms of the imaginary part of an effective optical-model potential, which contains also the spreading real part determined by a proper dispersive relationship. The unique features of the PHDOM are its abilities to describe direct-nucleon-decay properties of (p-h)-type states and the energy-averaged double transition density of these states at arbitrary (but high-enough) excitation energies, including giant resonances. Implementations of the PHDOM to the description of simplest photonuclear reactions [2] and of the isoscalar monopole double transition density [3] will be demonstrated. The description of damping of deep-hole states within the single-quasiparticle dispersive optical model will also be presented. The use of optical-model Green functions allows one to describe the single-hole strength functions at arbitrary (but high-enough) excitation energy [4].

  1. M. H. Urin, Phys. Rev. C 87, 044330 (2013).

  2. B. A. Tulupov and M. H. Urin, Phys. Rev. C 90, 034613 (2014).

  3. M. L. Gorelik, S. Shlomo, B. A. Tulupov, M. H. Urin, Phys. At. Nucl., to be published.

  4. G. V. Kolomiytsev, S. Yu. Igashov, M. H. Urin, Phys. At. Nucl., 77, 1105 (2014).