Design of the Slow POsitron faciliTy (SPOT) in Israel

  D. Cohen [1]  ,  E. Cohen [2]  ,  J. Dumas [1]  ,  O. Hen [2]  ,  A. Kelleher [1]  ,  S. May-Tal Beck [3]  ,  E. Piasetzky [2]  ,  N. Pilip [2]  ,  G. Ron [1]  ,  I. Sabo-Napadensky [4]  ,  R. Weiss-Babai [4]  
[1] Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel 91904
[2] School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel 69978
[3] Physics department, Nuclear Research Center Negev - NRCN, P.O.Box 9001, Beer-Sheva, Israel 84190
[4] Nuclear Physics and Engineering Division, Soreq NRC, Yavne, Israel, 81800

A slow positron beam is being built in the Hebrew University, the Slow POsitron faciliTy (SPOT). In Israel, the beam will introduce a new tool for both fundamental and applied research. Here we present the design process of the beam, where the leading goals are safety and high efficiency, with a flexible choice of the positron source. The challenges in the design of a moderator unit, based on frozen Neon, the pre-accelerator section and the full beam-line were addressed by simulation programs using various packages: COMSOL, SIMION and GEANT4. First measurements in SPOT are expected within a year.