2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
The development of a modern and more realistic nuclear energy density functional
(EDF) for accurate predictions of properties of nuclei and nuclear matter (NM) is
the subject of enhanced activity, since it is very important for the study of the
properties of rare nuclei and the equation of state of NM, the ingredient needed in
the study of the structure and evolution of compact astrophysical objects.
We will first describe a method for determining a modern EDF, based on the
effective nucleon-nucleon Skyrme type interaction. The parameters of the new and
improved EDF (named KDE0 and KDE0v1) will be presented. We will also present
and discuss the prediction of these EDFs for the nuclear fission barrier and for the
relation between the mass and radius on neutron stars, which were not included in
the parameter fit for the EDF. Next we present results of Hartree-Fock-based
random-phase-approximation calculations of properties rare nuclei and of the
strength distributions and centroid energies of multipole isoscalar and isovector giant
resonances and their sensitivities to NM properties, such as the incompressibility
coefficient, symmetry energy density and effective mass, and thereby deduce limits
for their values which are needed for determining the next generation EDF.