Direct Detection of Light Dark Matter via Molecular Bond Breaking

  Oren Slone  ,  Tomer Volansky  
Tel Aviv University

Currently, the most sensitive Dark Matter (DM) direct detection experiments probe DM in a mass range above $\sim10 \text{ GeV}$.  Latest results exclude large areas of parameter space above this range, however, little data regarding the sub GeV range exists.  An interesting possibility is the existence of Light Dark Matter (LDM) with masses in the MeV to GeV range.  There are many existing models which support the existence of such LDM.  We propose direct detection of LDM via low energy threshold bond breaking.  An example of a suitable system is a di-atomic molecule with typical binding energies in the $\DE = 1 -10 \text{ eV}$ range.  Such a system may serve as a simple case study with which to investigate the basics physics involved in a realistic future experiment.