Dressed states for quantum gates and quantum simulation with trapped ions

  I. Cohen  ,  A. Retzker  ,  S. Weidt  ,  W. K. Hensinger  ,  G. Mikelsons  ,  M. B. Plenio  ,  C. Senko  ,  P. Richerme  ,  J. Smith  ,  A. Lee  ,  C. Monroe  
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
University of Sussex
University of Ulm
Imperial College London
University of Maryland

Quantum systems are sensitive to many noise sources that reduce the fidelity of the quantum information. Techniques, such as dynamical decoupling and CPMG sequence, have been implemented to counter these noise effects. As a continuous version of these pulse techniques, we can use dressed states. In this talk I will show that dressed states can be used for two high-fidelity quantum gates, and therefore, for quantum simulation; in particular, for quantum simulation of spin-1 systems, where the first experiment has been recently done.