Edge central charge from bulk Hall viscosity and related observables - chiral superfluids.

  Omri Golan  
Weizmann Institute of Science

We study the Hall viscosity tensor as a function of wave-vector k in full generality, and find that in translation, rotation, and PT symmetric systems it has two independent components, only one of which survives at k =0. We then compute both components in non-relativistic chiral superfluids, using an effective action and a microscopic perturbative computation. Expanding to quadratic order in wave-vector, we find an anticipated dependence on the edge chiral central charge, as well as additional non-universal contributions. We define an improved Hall viscosity tensor which filters out the non-universal contributions, and allows for a bulk measurement of the edge central charge. In Galilean invariant superfluids, this implies that the central charge can be extracted from an application of strain and a measurement of the particle current and density.