2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
A realistic model of hot dense plasma requires a combined treatment of two aspects which traditionally where treated as separated disciplines. The first one is the description of the plasma as an ensemble of point ions and electrons interacting via the coulombic interaction. The second aspect concerns the details of the quantum states of the bound and free electrons, and the radiative transitions between them. In the past, and also recently, combined treatments were suggested by several works [1] mainly for the evaluation of thermodynamic properties of hot dense plasmas. These works treated the ion-ion correlations mostly by the HNC approximation. In the present work we combine both ion-ion correlation and quantum atomic structure, ala Refs. [1], self-consistently. The ion-ion correlation, however, is calculated by Monte-Carlo simulation rather than the HNC approximation. In its turn, the atomic structure is the self-consistent solution of the Dirac equation that contains both electronic and ionic densities. The ion-ion potential, used in the Monte-Carlo simulation, is determined from the resultant atomic structure. Finally, while full self-consistency between the atomic and the Monte-Carlo calculations is obtained, the absorption spectrum is evaluated using the recently developed CR-STA (configurationally resolved super transition arrays) method [2,3].
[1] e.g., B.F. Rozsnyai, High Energy Density Physics 10 16 (2014) (and the references therein), D. Ofer, E. Nardi and Y. Rosenfeld, Phys. Rev. A 38 5801 (1988) (and the references therein).
[2] G. Hazak and Y. Kurzweil, High Energy Density Physics 8 290 (2012).
[3] Y. Kurzweil and G. hazak, , High Energy Density Physics 9 548 (2013).