The evolution of stellar populations in galactic nuclei

  Danor Aharon [1]  ,  Hagai B. Perets [1]  
[1] Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

Most galactic nuclei contain massive black holes (MBHs) hosted by dense nuclear stellar clusters (NSCs). Relaxed NSCs with a single population of stars are expected to have a steep power-law number density distribution: n ~r^(7/4). Realistic nuclei such as our own Galactic center (GC), are known to host multiple stellar populations with a wide age distribution. Here we model such realistic nuclei by including the effect of star formation on the structure and the evolution of the NSC. We model the interaction between an old background stellar population and several young stellar populations arising from star formation. We find that the presence and dynamics of young populations reduce the time at which the old population reaches steady state, and affect the processes in the inner parsecs of galactic nuclei.