2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
The definition of interacting higher spin theories is notoriously challenging, especially in the case of massless fields in flat spacetime where well-known no-go theorems strongly restrict possible constructions. Following the results of a series of papers[1-3], we discuss the effective actions obtained by integrating out a scalar and a fermion field coupled to external higher spin source fields.The theories defined according to this procedure turn out to be endowed with an L_infinity structure which is known to be present in a large class of consistent theories. The corresponding higher spin symmetry also allows for a geometrical intepretation which generalizes well-known structures of Yang-Mills and gravity theories. [1] L.Bonora, M.Cvitan, P.Dominis Prester, S.Giaccari, M.Paulišić and T.Štemberga, Worldline quantization of field theory, effective actions and $L_\infty$ structure, JHEP 1804, 095 (2018) doi:10.1007/JHEP04(2018)095 [arXiv:1802.02968 [hep-th]]. [2] L.Bonora, M.Cvitan, P.Dominis Prester, S.Giaccari and T.Štemberga, One-loop effective actions and higher spins. Part II, JHEP 1801, 080 (2018) doi:10.1007/JHEP01(2018)080 [arXiv:1709.01738 [hep-th]]. [3] L.Bonora, M.Cvitan, P.Dominis Prester, S.Giaccari, B.Lima de Souza and T.Štemberga, One-loop effective actions and higher spins, JHEP 612, 084 (2016) doi:10.1007/JHEP12(2016)084 [arXiv:1609.02088 [hep-th]].