Infinite densities for strong anomalous di usion: beyond the central limit theorem

  Adi Rebeshtok [1]  ,  Sergey Densiov [2]  ,  Peter Hänggi [2]  ,  Eli Barkai [1]  
[1] Department of Physics, Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials, Bar-Ilan University
[2] Institute of Physics, University of Augsburg, Germany

We find infinite densities, which describe strong anomalous diffusion where <|x(t)|q>~tq ν(q) with a nonlinear spectrum ν(q)≠const. The latter is widespread and found in nonlinear deterministic dynamics and experiments of active transport in live cells. Using a stochastic approach we show how this phenomena is related to the infinite densities, i.e., in the long time limit the system is described by a non-normalized state. Our work shows that infinite measures play an important role in the statistical description of open systems exhibiting multi-fractal anomalous diffusion as they are complementary to the central limit theorem.