Infrared Absorption Spectrum of Brushite from First-Principles

  "Anna Hirsch [1]"  ,  "Ido Azuri [1]"   ,  "Lia Addadi [2]"   ,  "Stephen Weiner [2]"   ,  "Kesong Yang [3]"   ,  "Stefano Curtarolo [3]"   ,  "Leeor Kronik [1]"  
[1] "Department of Materials and Interfaces, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israel"
[2] "Department of Structural Biology, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israel"
[3] "Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Duke University, Durham NC 27708, USA"

Brushite, CaHPO4×2H2O, is a crystalline hydrated acidic form of calcium phosphate which occurs in biomineralization, albeit rarely, and in pathological crystallizations in humans, such as in kidney stone calculi. Additionally, it is biocompatible in humans and its possible use as cement for bone replacement is being investigated.  In this work, we perform a theoretical investigation of the vibrational spectrum of brushite. Within the framework of density functional theory (DFT), we predict not only the vibrational frequencies, obtained using the frozen phonon approach, but also their corresponding intensities by utilizing the Born effective charges tensor. This provides an unambiguous prediction, from first principles, of the experimental Fourier transform infrared (IR) vibrational spectra. Based on this, we are able to assert that the two doublets experimentally observed in the brushite IR spectrum originate from two crystallographically distinct water molecules, resolving a long-standing debate in the literature as to the assignment of these peaks.