Interferometric investigation of a small scale z-pinch plasma

  C. Stollberg [1]  ,  D. Mikitchuk [1]  ,  R. Doron [1]  ,  E. Kroupp [1]  ,  Y. Maron [1]  ,  H. R. Strauss [2]  
[1] Weizmann Institute of Science
[2] HRS Fusion

The simple concept of the z-pinch in which plasma is confined and compressed by its self-generated magnetic field, is attractive for both fundamental plasma research and applications such as x-ray radiation source and nuclear fusion. Recently, a new potential application of gas-puff z-pinch plasma as waveguide for laser electron acceleration has been suggested. In contrast to the common guided acceleration approach using a capillary discharge as a waveguide, where radial probing is prohibited due to the capillary walls, the newly suggested z-pinch method is not restricted to axial diagnostics.  Furthermore, in terms of its future application, the z-pinch approach offers longer operation cycles since it saves the need for capillary replacement. In the present study we investigate the feasibility of using a small scale z-pinch plasma in order to obtain the radial and axial electron density profiles required to form a waveguide for laser acceleration experiments. Here we present the evolution of the electron density profile determined by interferometry for different initial conditions.