Local characterization of superconductivity in an isovalently doped pnictide

  A. Yagil [1]  ,  Y. Lamhot [1]  ,  N. Shapira [1]  ,  S. Kasahara [2]  ,  T. Watashige [2]  ,  T. Shibauchi [3]  ,  Y. Matsuda [2]  ,  O. M. Auslaender [1]  
[1] Technion
[2] Kyoto University
[3] University of Tokyo

We use magnetic force microscopy (MFM) to characterize superconductivity across the superconducting dome in BaFe2(As1-xPx)2, a pnictide that exhibits a peak in the penetration depth (λab) at optimal doping (xopt), as previously shown in sample wide measurements [1]. Our local measurements show a peak at xopt and a TC vs. λab-2 dependence that is similar on both sides of xopt. Near the underdoped edge of the superconducting dome λab increases sharply suggesting that superconductivity competes with another phase. Indeed MFM vortex imaging shows correlated defects parallel to twin boundaries only in underdoped samples and not for x≥xopt. Furthermore magnetic scans in these samples reveal stripes parallel to twin boundaries even in the absence of magnetic field.

[1] K. Hashimoto et al., Science 336, 1554 (2012).