Log-Periodic Oscillations in the Photo Response of Efimov Trimers

  Betzalel Bazak  ,  Nir Barnea  
Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University

Considering one-body and two-body currents, we study the electro-magnetic response of universal bosonic trimers.
Analyzing the relative importance of these currents we identify two physical scenarios
(i) Normal hierarchy, where naive power counting holds and the one-body current dominates,
and (ii) Strong hierarchy, where the one-body current is suppressed. For both scenarios we
observe that at the high frequency tail, the response function exhibits log periodic oscillations in
all partial waves. In contrast, near threshold log periodic oscillations appear only in the leading
s-wave components. These oscillations are the fingerprints of universal Efimov physics. We discuss the relevance of this effect to contemporary experiments in ultracold atoms.