Magnetite (Fe3O4) at high temperature: a Neutron Powder Diffraction study.

  Davide Levy [1,2]  ,  Roberto Giustetto [1]  
[1] University of Torino (Italy)
[2] Tel Aviv University

In order to characterize structural and magnetic behavior of magnetite (Fe3O4)  at high temperatures, a natural specimen was studied by means of Neutron Powder Diffraction in the 273-1073 K temperature range. An accurate analysis of the collected data allowed the understanding of the behavior of the main structural and magnetic features of magnetite as a function of temperature. The magnetic moments of both tetrahedral and octahedral sites were extracted by means of magnetic diffraction up to the Curie temperature (between 773 and 873 K). A change of the thermal expansion coefficient around the Curie temperature together with an increase of the oxygen coordinate value above 700 K can be observed, both features being the result of a change in the thermal expansion of the tetrahedral site. This anomaly is not related to the magnetic transition but can be explained with an intervened cation reordering, as magnetite gradually transforms from a disordered configuration into a partially ordered one. Basing on a simple model which takes into account the cation-oxygen bond length, the degree of order as a function of temperature and consequently the enthalpy and entropy of the reordering process were determined. The refined values are ΔH0=-23.2(1.7) kJmol‑1 and ΔS0=-16(2) JK-1mol-1. These results are in perfect agreement with values reported in literature.