2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
A comprehensive study of the structure evolution of zirconium isotopes with mass number A = 92 - 110 is presented. Starting from 92Zr, as neutrons are added, three dierent regions are addressed. The rst region, 92-96Zr, appears to demonstrate the occurrence of shape coexis-tence between two spherical congurations. The second region, 98-104Zr, seems to exhibit shape coexistence undergoing two kinds of rst-order quantum phase transitions (QPTs). One QPT is within the ground state, changing its character from normal to intruder, and another QPT is within the intruder set of states, changing their character from spherical-like to strongly-deformed. The third region, 106-110Zr, exhibits a crossover from a deformed spectrum to a γ -unstable spectrum. Along with a shell-model interpretation, energy levels, E0- and E2-transitions, isotope shift and separation energy are analyzed for the entire chain of isotopes.
Work supported by the US-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF)