Mixed order phase transitions in one dimension

  Amir Bar  ,  David Mukamel  
Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute

Continuous phase transitions, in which the order parameter changes continuously at the transition, exhibit universal features such as critical exponents.  This universality is deeply related to the divergence of a length scale. On the other hand first order transitions, in which the order parameter is discontinuous, are not associated with diverging length scales and hence they are non-universal. This dichotomy fails in quite a number of models which exhibit phase transitions of mixed nature, namely transitions which on the one hand exhibit a diverging correlation length and on the other hand display a discontinuous order parameter. In one dimension such a transition is known to happen in two different classes of models: spin models with inverse distance squared interactions, and models for the pinning depinning transition.

We present a one dimensional exactly soluble Ising model which provides a link between these two rather distinct classes of systems. Its exact and renormalization group (RG) analysis reveals an intriguing connection between Bose Einstein condensation type transitions and Kosterlitz-Thouless type transitions in one dimension.