2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
The Two-State-Vector Formalism by Aharonov et al. has recently derived an intriguing evolution of a particle under a special pair of pre- and post-selections: The particle is detected along one out of two possible interferometer paths, yet simultaneously gives clear indication of its presence along the other one, for a certain time interval. What appears to be "no-particle" going along the apparently untraversed path (known to give rise to Interaction-Free Measurement), is in fact a self-canceling pair of positive and negative "mirage particles," which can be momentarily split and cancel out again. A delicate form of a standard projective ("strong") measurement can be used to verify this effect. I review some recent advances, discuss their foundational significance and point out possible directions for future research.
Based on the following publications:
1. Aharonov Y., Cohen E., Waegell M., Elitzur A.C., "The Weak Reality that Makes Quantum Phenomena more Natural: Novel Insights and Experiments", Entropy 20, 854
2. Aharonov Y., Cohen E., Carmi A., Elitzur A.C., "Anomalous Weak Values Emerging from Strong Interactions between Light and Matter", Proc. Roy. Soc. A 474, 20180030 (2018).
3. Elitzur A.C., Cohen E., Okamoto R., Takeuchi, S., “Nonlocal Position Changes of a Photon Revealed by Quantum Routers”, Sci. Rep. 8, 7730 (2018) (cover story in: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/quantum-physics-may-be-even-spookier-than-you-think/).
4. Aharonov Y., Cohen E., Landau A., Elitzur A. C., “The Case of the Disappearing (and Re-Appearing) Particle”, Sci. Rep. 7, 531 (2017).