2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
The main focus of our research is the study of nuclear short-range correlations (SRCs), i.e. the implications of finding two nucleons close to each other inside the nucleus. For this purpose we use a new theoretical tool, called the nuclear contact formalism, originally designed for atomic systems, to find direct relations between different nuclear quantities and the probability of finding two nucleons in a close proximity inside the nucleus. So far, we were able to describe using this theory several nuclear quantities and reactions that are related to two-body short-range correlations. For example, a new asymptotic relation between the one-body and two-body momentum distributions was derived and verified using available ab-initio numerical data. Additionally, Levinger's quasi-deuteron model for the nuclear photo-absorption cross section was rederived using the contact formalism. We were also able to extract the values of the dominant nuclear contacts for A<40 nuclei, which are a measure for the number of correlated pairs in the different channels. The nuclear contacts are also directly related to the Coulomb sum-rule. Recently, we utilized the contact formalism to study exclusive electron scattering experiments, which are one of the main experimental tool for studying nuclear SRCs.