"One dimensional anyons in a exactly solvable model."

  Raul Santos [1,2]  ,  Vladimir Korepin [3]  ,  Francis Paraan [4]  
[1] Bar Ilan University, Israel
[2] Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
[3] CNYITP, Stony Brook University, USA
[4] University of Phillipines, Phillipines

Anyons play an important role in topological quantum computation. They appear as the natural quasiparticle excitation of fractional quantum Hall states. At the edge of the two dimensional electron liquid, the excitations can be described by one dimensional anyons. In this talk I will present a model for anyonic excitations which is exactly solvable by Bethe Ansatz, and I will discuss the role of the statistic parameter in the single component and multicomponent ground state energy.